I'm comparing my logs, I had to first get rid of the uneeded data which led to the highway driving data, that's a pain of it's own hehe.
I'm taking one stretch of the log, which has the same speed limit, no acceleration or deceleration, basically a straight road run with cruise control doing it's job.
Base Throttle (TPS) voltage (as set on the car by me per FSM spec): 0.36v while max is 4.0V.
Gas: 93 Premium from Same Shell Gas station.
Base Fuel/Timing Map
Speed: 73.4
RPM: 3,250 +/- 50 rpm range
Throttle: 0.70 - 0.80
Timing: 30-33
Air Temp: 86
Fuel Map
Speed: 73.4
RPM: 3,250 +/- 50 rpm range
Throttle: 0.85 - 1.00
Timing: 20-28
Air Temp: 89.6
Timing Map
Speed: 73.4
RPM: 3,250 +/- 50 rpm range
Throttle: 0.50 - 0.70
Timing: 33-39
Air Temp: 80.6
Timing Map Run 2 (updated Map)
Speed: 73.4
RPM: 3,250 +/- 50 rpm range
Throttle: 0.84 - 0.96
Timing: 23-28
Air Temp: 96.8
What does this mean? Well multiple things...
- Air Temp has an affect of how wide open the throttle will be. Which makes sense because air is less dense, thus more is needed
- Leaner Mixture required a wider open throttle, thus less timing
- Barely Open throttle = More Timing = Better burn, which should technically show the mixture as bean leaner on the Wideband.
- Car seems to respond better to more timing over leaner mixture. Too much timing may cause the infamous knock.