Detonation avoidance example for @gomba:
For these examples we have to imagine what happens with a slow burn rate, and a fast burn rate, and how starting them early or on-time or late will affect things.
Fast burn rate:
Very early - With a fast burn rate, if you ignite the mix much too early you have the piston still rising while the pressure front rushes down the cylinder. This compresses the remaining unburnt mixture like an evil sandwich with the pressure front on top crushing the mixture against the rising piston on the bottom. This is a recipe for detonation disaster. The stakes are high. Even if you don't detonate, you're still working against the rising piston which causes a huge power loss.
Early - With a fast burn rate, if you ignite the mix slightly too early you have the piston still rising while the pressure front rushes down the cylinder again. Bad news. Again, even if you don't detonate, you're still working against the rising piston.
On time - Still with the fast burn rate, if you ignite the mix perfectly on time, the pressure front still works to squeeze the remaining unburnt mixture against the rising piston but the piston reaches the top and starts falling again hopefully without causing any detonation, and then the pressure front hits the piston at 20 degress ATDC and you get the most power possible from the system. This is assuming you can avoid detonation, which is often not possible on common engines with a good bit of boost. So you have to compromise. Read on.
Late - So we still are working with a fast burn rate, but we have to ignite it later than ideal to avoid detonation.
This is 75-95% of examples you'll ever run into. The flame propagation might not even finish reaching to the edges of the cylinder by the time the piston reaches TDC and starts moving downward again. You have basically no chance of detonating based on added pressure, and the flame front still catches the piston on its way down maybe around 23-28 degrees after top-dead-center. You've hit the piston late, but not too late, and you have a good burn rate so you get some good power out of the system.
Very late- Then of course you can ignite things so late that you're in the weeds...
Slow burn rate:
Very early - With a slowburn rate, if you ignite the mix much too early you have the piston still rising while the pressure front moves down the cylinder. This compresses the remaining unburnt mixture like an evil sandwich similar to before. This is a recipe for detonation disaster not any better than before. Even if you don't detonate, you're still working against the rising piston which causes a huge power loss.
Early - With a slow burn rate, if you ignite the mix slightly too early you have the piston still rising while the pressure front moves down the cylinder again. Bad news. Again, even if you don't detonate, you're still working against the rising piston.
On time - Still with the slow burn rate, if you ignite the mix perfectly on time (which will obviously be earlier than the perfect timing in the previous example), the pressure front still puts a good squeeze on the remaining unburnt mixture against the rising piston simply because of how much earlier you need to ignite it. The piston starts moving down and the flame front catches the piston on its way down exactly at 20 degrees after top-dead-center and you get a good bit of power but not as much as in the earlier example of perfect timing. This is assuming you can avoid detonation, which is often not possible on common engines with a good bit of boost. So you have to compromise again.
Late - So we still are working with a slow burn rate, but we have to ignite it later than ideal to avoid detonation.
This is 75-95% of examples you'll ever run into. The flame propagation isn't even finished reaching to the edges of the cylinder by the time the piston reaches TDC and starts moving downward again. You have no chance of detonating based on added pressure (heat), but the flame front doesn't catch the piston on its way down until maybe around 30-45 degrees after top-dead-center (that piston really starts accelerating away from TDC now). You've hit the piston
way late,
and you have a slow burn rate so you get very low power out of the system.
Very late - Who wants roasted marshmallows?
Because of where most cars must operate, it is better to go with the faster burn if you're looking for power. At no point is the slower burn better, except for a little bit of detonation avoidance in a small window of ignition timing.
The faster burn is much less forgiving if you ignite it early, obviously, but the power potential is higher and if you're late it is going to always produce more power. Hopefully that's enough info to at least help others make up their own mind about how they'd like to do things.
And don't forget there are plenty of other things to consider other than pure power output. This is just one side of the coin.