My TP with the car off key on says "33", which seems high. I'm not sure what it should be or if it makes a difference.
Example if you bring up a map, the map trace is almost half way across the table :numbness:
Where does the TP amount come from when the car is off, "key on"
I was thinking i was having issues with my MAF sensor.
some info
.75v with the car off. I tried another maf and it was .65v. I checked TP and it was still "33"
When idling my TP is very low 20's and i think its on the second column (idle is set at 1,000rpm) because of large cams. Thus the MAF value is a bit higher, which bumps me over to the second column.
Example if you bring up a map, the map trace is almost half way across the table :numbness:
Where does the TP amount come from when the car is off, "key on"
I was thinking i was having issues with my MAF sensor.
some info
.75v with the car off. I tried another maf and it was .65v. I checked TP and it was still "33"
When idling my TP is very low 20's and i think its on the second column (idle is set at 1,000rpm) because of large cams. Thus the MAF value is a bit higher, which bumps me over to the second column.
Last edited by Haulin200sx
on 2013-01-18
at 12-36-23.