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No, AC will not work, as you're using that output to control the VVL solenoid.C
Thanks for the clear answer, I had assumed it would not work, but couldn't fathom why someone would delete AC to control their solenoids when they could just control it with AIV or EGR...
the fact that one might use AC with options for AIV or EGR available, made me believe that perhaps somehow you could use AC still... and it was a little confusing..
seems weird that the drawing would show AC, when that is the last option most would use.

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Thank you, i didn't think so and was curious why people would do this if all they needed wad an msd or other switch
Because it's free and you have a lot more enabling options. Say you want to activate your intake cam at 4000 and exhaust at 5000 at 30 TPS, because you don't want to pop into VVL while on the highway.
With MSD:
Buy two 8969's at $100 a piece
You can activate based on RPM only
With Greddy MSS:
Buy 1 MSS, pay $200 (no longer sold)
You can activate cams independently
If you have a Nemu:
$0 Programmable outputs (EGR, AIV, O2, AC).
You can activate on TPS, RPM, CLT (water temp), or VSS (Speed)
I doubt anyone here still uses their AIV, so that's a great one to use, EGR is another one that you can get away with using. If you don't want to loose any of the other outputs, you can always run an MSD, but it's a waste of money.
I do understand how much more functionality you get from the JK tuning ecu, which is why I bought it.. but the drawing shows AC, making it look like a more logical choice, if I had to choose between AC and picking exact times of VVL activation, I would choose AC.. but AIV and EGR is what I ended up using, thanks to
@gomba for digging into my FSM and finding those wires under my dash while I wired up the relays and solenoids in the engine bay..

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The B13 ECU has 4 outputs that you can use to turn on the solenoids.. you don't have to use the A/C output!using A/C in the wiring diagram is what threw me off...

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The most common is the EGR output and AIV outputs for use with VVL control.
this is what I used, and IMO should be used on your drawing, so it doesn't throw people off...

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What you also need to understand is that this is NOT just a RPM window switch. You have a lot more options on when and how you want the output to engage.
So to have you ask why people would use it over a MSD switch kind of blows my mind .. I say why would you NOT use it!?the only reason I was thinking it would be silly to use it, is when I thought A/C was one of the only options..
do you live in Alaska??