Originally Posted by wnwright
Correct.... There are 2 com ports through the USB. One for Consult data and a second for emulation/"burning". So it is a completely seperate data stream.
Also, you have to have an Ostrich for each chip.
@Lynchfourtwenty - I am just tired of seeing Nistune discussed when it has nothing to do with what is in this thread or section. So it is my bias. You also probably don't know that I am very familiar with Nistune and how it all works. Also the RT2 has removable USB cable...
Correct.... There are 2 com ports through the USB. One for Consult data and a second for emulation/"burning". So it is a completely seperate data stream.
Also, you have to have an Ostrich for each chip.
@Lynchfourtwenty - I am just tired of seeing Nistune discussed when it has nothing to do with what is in this thread or section. So it is my bias. You also probably don't know that I am very familiar with Nistune and how it all works. Also the RT2 has removable USB cable...
I'm familiar with the two COM ports. Just wanted to make sure that even though we had dedicated ports, it still didn't go through consult .
Are you able to buy the emulation ostrich chips cheaper? Also you could get away with burning just a regular chip after fine tuning it with Ostrich.
As for removable USB, you can fab something up for the RT1 too. All it is is a 4-5 wire USB cable that plugs to the board. It's not even soldered directly to the board .