The subject of rev limiter operation came up in this thread by Coheed:
I blew IT!
56k don't do it!
The following are the relevant posts from Coheed's thread:
Originally Posted by Coheed
One more question for you guys?
Whenever I broke a ceramic from a plug, or closed the gap from detonation, it was right immediately after bouncing the rev limiter. I was curious if anyone else has had issues with detonation after hitting the factory fuel cut. This didn't occur to be much of an issue until I hooked up a friends knock light. I was always told the fuel-cut= no fuel to detonate, but the knock light always showed detonation when I hit the limiter. Strange?
I looked into it and there are a few tuning books around that talk about residual fuel left in the intake manifold, or on the valves, that forms a puddle when large volumes of fuel are flowing from the injectors. Perhaps this is an issue?
lmk what you guys think about this info I have gathered. I am getting rid of the fuel-cut limiter, and have since been using an ignition limiter just before fuel-cut. I have not experienced any more detonation. But the damage is already done.
Originally Posted by SneakyOwner
fuel cut rev limiters are the devil...if there is a little fuel left over its very lean when u hit the limiter
Originally Posted by Coheed
fuel cut limiters ARE the devil. But I tried searching google for anyone else getting detonation at fuel cut, and most people are saying you won't det. But then again, most of those guys aren't pushing much power.
Originally Posted by dfddfd2
With TunerCode, I can program the rev limiter to operate pretty much any way you like, in terms of fuel cut and/or timing retard. I don't think you want timing cut and fuel cut because I believe you would still want whatever fuel is in the cylinder to burn there, rather than in the exhaust system. Ignition cut only rev limiters bother me a little because of cylinder wash-down and lots of raw unburnt fuel in the exhaust system.
Maybe we should start another thread to discuss proper rev limit design?
Originally Posted by SneakyOwner
I learned this little tip from my hardcore rotary roomate...seems that those engines don't like fuel cut rev limiters. I watched his motor explode lol. but he wouldn't make that mistake on his new motor he made sure to get an ignition type rev limiter.
Originally Posted by SneakyOwner
Honestly when I do hit the rev limiter I rather have a little bit of excess fuel because I'm not bouncing of the limiter while racing I wouldn't be worried about fuel washing down the cylinders. Where on the other hand I would be worried about the fuel cutting and my pistons melting so I rather just cut the spark and have no combustion. If there is no combustion then you cant run lean at the limiter...In my eyes this would make an ignition style rev limiter better.
Originally Posted by BenFenner
We could talk about rev limiters in another thread but spark-based rev limiters have their own issues as Dave mentioned but also pre-ignition is a scary proposition.
Ideally you could cut fuel and spark during the same engine event. Supposedly many stand-alones can do this but I've seen my fair share of stand-alone mistakes on a per-revolution basis so I'm skeptical.
Originally Posted by kevwal
I had my stock limiter removed and use the MSD 6AL box with the built in limiter. Works great with no problems. I use to mess up my stock pistons and never thought my rev limiter was the cause but now i think about it, it makes sense. Fuel actually cools the charge and if there's spark, boost, and a little bit of fuel that = alot of heat. Also the MSD limiter is a soft touch and it is very smooth. The stock limiter was way more harsh. I believe you can get just the limiter without the ignition box.
Originally Posted by Coheed
Wow, I wonder who else has had issues with nailing the rev limiter on high hp SRs.
Originally Posted by SE-Rican
The JWT ECU just like the Stock ECU has a very harsh fuel cut. A lot of the guys that run MSD units love the soft rev limiter for that reason.
I for one run a standalone that has a soft cut and hard cut rev limiter.
I have some questions to hopefully continue the discussion:
1) How does the MSD 6AL "soft touch" work? Does it cut spark to one cylinder at a time? Does it alternate which cylinders are being cut?
2) Would a timing retard be better than a spark cut?
3) For the turbo folks, should anti-lag be incorporated into the launch control, and if so, how?
If we can understand exactly how a good rev limiter and launch control system should work, there's a very good chance it can be incorporated into TunerCode.
I blew IT!

The following are the relevant posts from Coheed's thread:

One more question for you guys?
Whenever I broke a ceramic from a plug, or closed the gap from detonation, it was right immediately after bouncing the rev limiter. I was curious if anyone else has had issues with detonation after hitting the factory fuel cut. This didn't occur to be much of an issue until I hooked up a friends knock light. I was always told the fuel-cut= no fuel to detonate, but the knock light always showed detonation when I hit the limiter. Strange?
I looked into it and there are a few tuning books around that talk about residual fuel left in the intake manifold, or on the valves, that forms a puddle when large volumes of fuel are flowing from the injectors. Perhaps this is an issue?
lmk what you guys think about this info I have gathered. I am getting rid of the fuel-cut limiter, and have since been using an ignition limiter just before fuel-cut. I have not experienced any more detonation. But the damage is already done.

fuel cut rev limiters are the devil...if there is a little fuel left over its very lean when u hit the limiter

fuel cut limiters ARE the devil. But I tried searching google for anyone else getting detonation at fuel cut, and most people are saying you won't det. But then again, most of those guys aren't pushing much power.

With TunerCode, I can program the rev limiter to operate pretty much any way you like, in terms of fuel cut and/or timing retard. I don't think you want timing cut and fuel cut because I believe you would still want whatever fuel is in the cylinder to burn there, rather than in the exhaust system. Ignition cut only rev limiters bother me a little because of cylinder wash-down and lots of raw unburnt fuel in the exhaust system.
Maybe we should start another thread to discuss proper rev limit design?

I learned this little tip from my hardcore rotary roomate...seems that those engines don't like fuel cut rev limiters. I watched his motor explode lol. but he wouldn't make that mistake on his new motor he made sure to get an ignition type rev limiter.

Honestly when I do hit the rev limiter I rather have a little bit of excess fuel because I'm not bouncing of the limiter while racing I wouldn't be worried about fuel washing down the cylinders. Where on the other hand I would be worried about the fuel cutting and my pistons melting so I rather just cut the spark and have no combustion. If there is no combustion then you cant run lean at the limiter...In my eyes this would make an ignition style rev limiter better.

We could talk about rev limiters in another thread but spark-based rev limiters have their own issues as Dave mentioned but also pre-ignition is a scary proposition.
Ideally you could cut fuel and spark during the same engine event. Supposedly many stand-alones can do this but I've seen my fair share of stand-alone mistakes on a per-revolution basis so I'm skeptical.

I had my stock limiter removed and use the MSD 6AL box with the built in limiter. Works great with no problems. I use to mess up my stock pistons and never thought my rev limiter was the cause but now i think about it, it makes sense. Fuel actually cools the charge and if there's spark, boost, and a little bit of fuel that = alot of heat. Also the MSD limiter is a soft touch and it is very smooth. The stock limiter was way more harsh. I believe you can get just the limiter without the ignition box.

Wow, I wonder who else has had issues with nailing the rev limiter on high hp SRs.

The JWT ECU just like the Stock ECU has a very harsh fuel cut. A lot of the guys that run MSD units love the soft rev limiter for that reason.
I for one run a standalone that has a soft cut and hard cut rev limiter.
I have some questions to hopefully continue the discussion:
1) How does the MSD 6AL "soft touch" work? Does it cut spark to one cylinder at a time? Does it alternate which cylinders are being cut?
2) Would a timing retard be better than a spark cut?
3) For the turbo folks, should anti-lag be incorporated into the launch control, and if so, how?
If we can understand exactly how a good rev limiter and launch control system should work, there's a very good chance it can be incorporated into TunerCode.