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Thread: Rental: 3 1/2 deglazing bead flex hone

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2012-10-03 20:06:45
Rental: 3 1/2 deglazing bead flex hone

I have a pretty much new hone for deglazing cylinder to seat in rings, im offering it to the community for a 15 shipped rental to the states then you ship it back to me or to the next person. i use ATF to lube the beads when i use it. i use quite a bit of ATF to have it last me a long time and would like you to do the same. lmk if your interested. my paypal is liljay781@yahoo.com and you could text me at 8578889718 if you have any questions.
i will try to do a write up on how to use it when i get my new block but its pretty straight forward. thanks
Last edited by liljay781 on 2012-10-07 at 22-48-19.
2012-10-04 02:31:47
I've gotten to the point where I use a fine plateau hone unless the cylinders have a fair amount of scratching.
2012-10-29 14:43:42
I used to have one but it must of grew legs. Come get it. Will take parts and other tools as a rental/trade/colladeral
2013-05-27 16:24:08
Still for rent
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