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I've tried with 3d models on computer, to design and make it happen, but when human error is factored in, not having a machine do the cuts for me, it got frustrating for me. I would rather burn the 2 hrs of seat time behind a computer and cut and grind to get the fit right.... any day. Where da hell is Doug with some work he should be posting up?
im here im here. i ck this thread everyday to see what you guys have been doing. i got some fab work coming up and will be posting pics. just been busy with other jobs.
im deff a one off guy myself. i dont care for production parts so much. PITA!
heres something i welded this week for my car.
-16 AN bung gonna use for half radiator.
was having trouble welding at first due to impurities esp with a used pipe that has had antifreeze run thru it. but i fig out a process to weld these cleanly.
in the future i think i will try purchasing these housings new from the factory and see how they weld vs used pieces.
used my syncro 250.
about 100 amps
cleaning at 5 / had to keep moving to see what would work best.
20cfh argon
roughly a #10 clear cup
1/16" 4043