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Thread: TDMImports Rigid Collars on sale

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2013-06-20 06:22:58
Curious, do these fit the p10?
2013-06-22 01:43:53
Originally Posted by P10
Curious, do these fit the p10?

not sure tho!!
2013-06-22 03:35:21
Originally Posted by P10
Curious, do these fit the p10?

Tempted to get a set for my p11. I measured them before installing them, so when I did in again I'll take a look. Thing is on a P10/P11 these wont do nearly as much because we have big squishy bushings doing all of the deflecting. Thus even if you center and align the metal against body, the bushing will still deflect and misalign the subframe. Now if you go solid or poly then that's different story.
2013-06-22 04:32:49
Originally Posted by Vadim
Thing is on a P10/P11 these wont do nearly as much because we have big squishy bushings doing all of the deflecting.

Aw the horror of it! By chance do you know if anyone who has done solid or poly bushings on a P10/P11? Since my car is sitting, this is definitely one thing I want to address before I get it going again.

Edit: lol Nevermind, the search function does wonders...
Last edited by P10 Goodness on 2013-06-22 at 04-41-08.
2013-06-25 03:19:25
I'll take a set for a B13. However I have a question. Are these reusable? What happens when you torque them down and then loosen and retorque, or if you sell them used to another user. Are these a one time torque down type of piece?
2013-06-27 17:00:09
Originally Posted by TrackJunky82
I'll take a set for a B13. However I have a question. Are these reusable? What happens when you torque them down and then loosen and retorque, or if you sell them used to another user. Are these a one time torque down type of piece?

Yes, they are. Unless you damaged it then won't work.... I haven't seen anyone taken these off the car and resell...
Note: these are aluminium made off not made by papers...
2013-06-28 00:56:48
^^^Aluminum will deform and take the shape of the steel around it. I ask because on a second torque down you will already have deformed the aluminum therefore the mating surface profiles will be different.

Also what is your method to prevent galvanic corrosion? This aluminum piece will be surrounded by steel on the outside diameter and will be in contact with a steel bolt on the inside diameter.
2013-06-28 09:17:03
We haven't seen any deform issues after many of these been installed. Toruqe down to the proper spec. These stuff will not rust since we anodized the collars to prevent corrosion problems.
Originally Posted by TrackJunky82
^^^Aluminum will deform and take the shape of the steel around it. I ask because on a second torque down you will already have deformed the aluminum therefore the mating surface profiles will be different.

Also what is your method to prevent galvanic corrosion? This aluminum piece will be surrounded by steel on the outside diameter and will be in contact with a steel bolt on the inside diameter.
2013-06-28 09:55:11
Re: TDMImports Rigid Collars on sale
Galvanic corrosion will eat through the anodizing in no time in the environment they are in.

I plastered mine in copper grease when I installed them.
2013-07-01 02:15:23
I forget.. How much is a set?
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