Char it should be easier since you took out the mount. When I said it was the hardest I was not saying oh it's tewiii harder its FREAKING hard haha!
Here is what you need to do, get your mount back from the shop, and tell them they are idiots . Get some vice grips, couple screw drivers and a hammer. There are two metals for the mount, thus you need to first bend the inner layer a bit, then work on the outer layer. Outer later is pretty flush against the mount thus getting your screw driver in will be hard. Good luck!
Here is what you need to do, get your mount back from the shop, and tell them they are idiots . Get some vice grips, couple screw drivers and a hammer. There are two metals for the mount, thus you need to first bend the inner layer a bit, then work on the outer layer. Outer later is pretty flush against the mount thus getting your screw driver in will be hard. Good luck!