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Thread: 2022 National Convention - Munford, Alabama May 13-15

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2021-11-25 16:27:59
2022 National Convention - Munford, Alabama May 13-15
Streamed initial announcement : Update Your Browser | Facebook

Announcement update: Update Your Browser | Facebook

Friday Track Day at "Talladega Grand Prix Raceway" in Munford Alabama - Update Your Browser | Facebook
Hotel TBD, but near the track.
Sunday plans for Car Show and more at Barber Vintage Motorsport Museum - Barber Motorsports Museum | Largest Motorcycle Collection

VIP tickets are sold out
$250 Gold package now available until 30 days out

SR20 National Convention 2022 - Alabama

-includes the track day, museum ticket, and one other event which hasn't been announced yet

Last edited by vorin on 2021-12-26 at 18-35-35.
2021-11-25 22:58:42
Ive never been to that road course.
Ill be attending
2021-11-28 20:53:56
News to me.
2021-11-29 13:11:14
Sounds like a plan! It's closer than the last several conventions I've attended.
2021-12-18 21:13:21
For the large number of us who aren't on fb how do we keep up with convention announcements? And do we register without fb?
2021-12-24 08:07:26
Dates have changed. Will update shortly.
2021-12-26 15:07:47
I see someone attempted to update on Instagram, but the link there is abbreviated and doesn't work.
2021-12-26 18:36:05
Added registration link in the top post.
2022-02-04 11:01:51
Book your hotel rooms now. DoubleTree by Hilton Birmingham.

Here is the link.


Spread the word, bring out that contact list and tell your car friends! Let us make it a great one.

Phone number: 205-972-1141
email contact at hotel: nismail@peachtreehotelgroup.com

2022-02-22 11:12:33
Hotel booked, so I'll be there whether I get the car finished, or not. I've got two questions:

1) Will there be a swap meet during the picnic?
2) Can I buy more waffle tickets before the picnic, or on the day of?

Stoked to actually be doing SR stuff again. Kinda.
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