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SR2020 April Convention will not go forward as planned due to COVID-19 dangers.
Hotel can't allow meeting rooms/restaurant/bar space to be used for groups.
No money has been outright LOST due to good working relationship between the SR20 National Convention and the FIRM and the Hotel.
Convention will be postponed.
Since it's a postponement rather than a cancellation, refunds won't be distributed (as per the agreement when the money was paid,) but those dollars will remain in the community.
If you've paid and can't attend the new TBD date, then that money can go towards the 2021 National Convention, or it can be transferred to the West Coast Convention.
If it's a critical financial situation, contact Jon Birkmire for potential refund, but since this isn't a money-making endeavor, any refunds will be rare and will put a strain on those fronting the money for the events.