2016 SR20 West Coast Convention
Buttonwillow, CA
October 6th through 9th, 2016

Buttonwillow, CA
October 6th through 9th, 2016

The 4th annual SR20 West Coast Convention has landed!
This will be the second year where we will be hosting the event exclusively for ourselves at Buttonwillow Raceway in Buttonwillow, CA October 7th followed by Test & Tune Day at Autoclub Famoso Speedway October 8th. Be sure to click on the Facebook link for quick updates and follow us on Instagram to be a part of the action this year!
This will be the second year where we will be hosting the event exclusively for ourselves at Buttonwillow Raceway in Buttonwillow, CA October 7th followed by Test & Tune Day at Autoclub Famoso Speedway October 8th. Be sure to click on the Facebook link for quick updates and follow us on Instagram to be a part of the action this year!
This years hosts are:
Tyler Gray (G20Tyler)
Christian Estrada (Nxsrg20)
Steve Alvarez (bmexicang)
We are continuing our tradition of camaraderie by allowing the SR20 community and friends to come and enjoy another weekend of automotive mayhem! This convention has grown special to our friends not only on the West Coast but also those living across the country on the East Coast. Many thanks to those who have inspired and continue to inspire us to put on this event.
Thursday - October 6th
Meet & Greet 12 p.m. at The Hampton Bakersfield Inn & Suites
Accommodation for the 2016 SR20 West Coast Convention will be provided by:
The Hampton Bakersfield Inn & Suites
Booking price and block out dates: TBD
We are currently working on securing a lower flat rate for attendees and accommodation for trailers and RVs.
Updates will be posted here and on the Facebook page when available.
Friday - October 7th
We have reserved Buttonwillow Raceway entirely for ourselves! Join us for an entire day of road racing on a full technical track that will prove your skill or lack thereof!
Food is included in track payment for the October 8th Test & Tune @ Autoclub Famoso Speedway
Garage rental available starting at $100 for the day - Please inquire for details.
Transponders will be available for rental at the track - Price TBD
Track spots starting at $220 (incl. food w/ten raffle tickets) - PayPal: [email]SR20WCCOfficial@gmail.com[/email] - Please direct inquiries to our hosts through PM.
THERE WILL BE NO REFUNDS - In the event you cannot attend the event, we ask that our guests look towards selling their reservation to another enthusiast to ensure that the track will be paid in full.
You are responsible for your own attendance!
Tech inspection will be mandatory.
Please ensure proper safety equipment and procedures are adhered to once present at the racetrack. Violation of safety policies at anytime on track will not be tolerated and will result in the dismissal of your track reservation without refund.
Battery is safely secured.
Wheel lugs and nuts must be complete and not broken
Seats MUST be bolted on completely (NO EXCEPTIONS)
Seat belts are PROPERLY working. (NO EXCEPTIONS)
Cabin and trunk must be emptied out of any non-stationary objects.
HELMETS ARE REQUIRED FOR ALL PARTICIPANTS ON THE RACETRACK - You will not be allowed to race/ride without one so please bring your own, there will be no rentals available at the facility.
We will be racing the full technical clockwise loop configuration below

Run Groups (to be updated)
Run Groups (to be updated)
SR20 WCC 2016 Run Groups
Beginner Group
Joshua Bigar (justinbieber) - Nx2k
Ismael Romo (91cammerjammer)- B13
Tyler Gray (G20Tyler)-VW jetta
Intermediate Group
Charles Dundon (Snickers)-P10
Frank Pavon (Lerkzone)-P10
Steve Alvarez (bmexicang)-Nx2K
Sergio Rodriguez (supersergio)-B13
Paul Brondial (j-tek)-P11
Jorge Meza (rollerrockerqueen)-P11
Christian Estrada (nxsrg20)-nx2k
Will de Pacas- willy - Gti-r
Advanced Group
Augy Soto (bulgaugy)-P11
Alan Austin (Ajaxx1989)-P11
Chris Bohnert (Bravo)-tbd
Uly Fileto (manejoflaco)-B13
Saturday - October 8th
Test & Tune - Autoclub Famoso Speedway
This is an open test and tune for the public.
Drivers are subject to special safety regulations and guidelines - check website for clarification on these requirements.
Auto Club Famoso Raceway
Admission at gate: $10 Spectator/$40 Driver
We will be having our BBQ, raffle, & car show here at Famoso, so come and enjoy some good company and great cars!

Last edited by bmexicang
on 2016-05-18
at 16-48-03.