Many of us are very passionate about how we think the convention should be setup. Present party included.
Seems like the biggest issue for most people at the convention is having a road course OR not having a road course.
I know it is very difficult AND expensive to organize a road course event "just for the convention members" has been suggested to "piggyback" off another track group. Granted, there many not be as many sr20 ppl that can participate AND there will be other makes/models of cars, however, I believe it may be a viable solution in the future ---- based on what has transpired with the lack of a road course day.
Rather than bitch and complain (I know, I was guilty and admit it) can we try and focus on coming up with an agreeable solution???
My humble suggestion is to team up with one of the driving venues that already have relationships with tracks, etc. Let's say they have a total of 60 cars on a track with 3 groups....if we can secure so many spots (let's throw out 20 spots for this case) and run with them. Typically these events are roughly $300 each car. $300 X 20 is $6,000. We promise them $6,000 and SR20 members have so many days to pay in full. After that deadline, we open it up for other members on other forums ----- most of us belong to other forums. I personally belong to an infiniti forum, mustang forum, and corvette forum (SUV forums don't count in this example).
I believe this format will eliminate a great deal of burden on the "convention organizer", since the road course is typically the most expensive and most difficult to setup.
Does this make any sense at all???