I say we should leave Wednesday the 2nd. And let's all make sure we bring a FULL SIZE SPARE TIRE, lol like a stock b13 Se-R one, so in the event that a tire goes, we won't have 2 all cruz at 55ish on the highway. Also, I'm not really interested in the autox or rally but am very interested in the drag. Also, when we drove to Cabo San Lucas a cple summers ago, our first stop was about 1500 miles from Tijuana and I made it there n like 15.5 or 16.5 hours, so I know we should b able 2 cover this trip faster than 23.... hours. How I like 2 drive on road trips is, JUST ROLL, and only stop 4 gas and that's when we get food and watever else we need. Pretty Xtreme lol.
We bring 4 full size spares, but we call them TRACK TIRES