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Thread: Convention swap meet

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2009-03-23 02:28:31
im taking for sale

sr20development short shifter
OEM Z32 Red leather stichted shift knob
Garret T3 Turbo "super 60 series"
Tial 38mm waste gate (like new)
Auto meter EGT gauge Pro comp ultralite
Suspension Techniques NEW rear swaybar with hardware.

pluse a few more things.
2009-03-23 04:03:30
Got a B13 AC control head, good cond. B13 rear deck spoiler. 2 VE distributors. For sale or trade.
2009-03-23 18:55:38
I've got

1. Calendars for $5
2. VE badges for $20


2009-03-23 20:33:32
Who's bring stuff to sell at the convention? I have a few NX/B13 interior parts...not sure if anyone needs anything, or if I should even haul the stuff up.

I'm looking for a valve cover, something red perhaps....

I'll be needing a calendar.

I could bring a set of B13 wheels with real decent centercaps. Cheap as hell. Sixty bucks. Anybody?
2009-03-23 20:41:39
Shawn, I've got a red valvecover for you, but it may not be the prettiest red you've seen It's not scratched, but it's pretty nasty and would need a thorough cleaning. Well you've seen my setup so you know...
2009-03-23 20:43:30
Shawn B, get the VE badge since you plan on going VE. The quality is the best! I got me one. I may get another one to put at my desk at work.
2009-03-23 21:12:10
anybody have an 8CW crank in great shape, for cheap. I need ont that does not have any scores on the lobes.
2009-03-23 21:42:32
Originally Posted by Re-spect
anybody have an 8CW crank in great shape, for cheap. I need ont that does not have any scores on the lobes.

Chit meng I'd venture to think between Erick/Mark/Jamie and crew that surely there's a spare 8CW floating around...
2009-03-23 23:59:16
Originally Posted by TeKKiE
Shawn, I've got a red valvecover for you, but it may not be the prettiest red you've seen It's not scratched, but it's pretty nasty and would need a thorough cleaning. Well you've seen my setup so you know...

Thank you sir, Serban and I have been in touch about a wrinkle-red powdercoated valve cover. Seems his very pretty red one is able to be duplicated and delivered.

Originally Posted by MR-4Door-SR20DE
Shawn B, get the VE badge since you plan on going VE. The quality is the best! I got me one. I may get another one to put at my desk at work.

I may get the badge, but it won't be going on my ride. It might look awesome on my desk as well.

I am going to specifically have no VE badge on the valve cover or exterior of the vehicle.

"Badges?!? We don't need no stinkin' badges." Spaghetti Westerns rock.

If someone is not savvy enough to figure out it is a VE by looking at the engine bay, too bad.

And, I'm gonna need a full set of the interior two-peice plastic door handles. I'll edit in and post pictures tonight in this post, but the new door upholstery is too thick for the handles therefore creating a gap between the handles. Instead of them "meshing" together to form a clean line at the join edge. Also, one of the top peices got broken (usable for now, but no) and I need an entire new pre-owned set (both doors, four peices total) to work on some creative, clean, fix for the issue. I have a few ideas already to bridge that gap.
2009-03-24 00:21:26
VE? Holy hell I haven't followed your build thread in a long time!
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