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Sounds like a good idea, but there's got to be a ton of liability! Some could get eff-ed up really quickly on your property with lifts going up and down. Mechanics are trained to follow safety practices, but if you've got some dumbass wannabes that don't know what their doing in your shop, you'd better have a hefty insurance policy.
Years back, I wanted to start a business just like this in Houston and open up some shops around town in different areas. I might still be able to do it, only thing is theft is a huge thing in Houston nowadays with aftermarket cars. Insurance is not necessary if you get a very long waiver and also if you make everyone go through a safety course, or questionare. The shop I work at now, every month or so we take a very short questionare for the insurance company to keep rates down or something. Various stuff like fire safety, electrical hazards, even heat stroke prevention. Only thing was, I was going to make it similar to a club type atmosphere, pay monthly due and then hourly rate, just so ppl would be tempted to use it more often. Rate seems a little low IMO, but I guess it depends on the area. I would have it geared towards a full speed shop almost. I'm sure with the right marketing and events being hosted showcasing what you can do, it would be an awesome setup. After seeing your site, it makes me want to start one up. I have a 900 sq ft warehouse type building, that I could make into something like that, only thing is, the area is not best suited for the work, too many ppl coming up and asking me to fix things... and I just refuse since all I do is custom stuff for myself and 'paying' friends.