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Thread: Road Atlanta for $250

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2015-03-24 04:16:20
Road Atlanta for $250
I know some are not on FaceBook so here's a way to keep up.

Link first:
Road Atlanta 7/31/2015 - Your Car Our Tracks

I have made contact with Brian Stetson of JustTrackItLLC. They have Road Atlanta booked for Friday July 31st on a NASA weekend. There are 3 run groups with instruction in the beginners group.

If you are not an experienced (4-5 events minimum) driver PLEASE do everyone a favor and sign up for the beginners group. You may get signed off for solo by your instructor, but riding with an experienced instructor at a track like Road Atlanta will absolutely maximize your experience.

The rest of US should all ask to run in the intermediate group. Tell him you are with "Joe happynole's group".

Last time he said it was full of good drivers in Miatas, Minis, Acuras, and the like as well as newer to track life guys with nice cars not yet ready to go balls out with the advanced group. He fully suspects the advanced group to fill with the usual track rats in Vettes & Porsches, as well racers looking to do some testing and tuning, but you are welcome to join that group if you really want to.

Brian at their last event at AMP:
Last edited by happynole on 2015-03-24 at 06-04-05. Reason: adding details
2015-03-24 14:07:45
I'll be there with bells on. And by bells, I mean hopefully my oil cooler.
2015-03-24 14:39:49
Is it really that "simple" to gather a few SR folks for a track day

...........sorry, I couldn't help myself
2015-04-06 21:00:51
Originally Posted by Boostlee
Is it really that "simple" to gather a few SR folks for a track day

...........sorry, I couldn't help myself

Yes, it is
2015-04-06 21:50:33
I'd be interested in bringing my b14, but can we do it in October instead? I don't have ac. JK. I would like to get in on this, is there a commit date?
2015-04-07 02:49:46
There is no cutoff date, but don't wait too long as once it's sold out it's sold out
2015-04-08 15:37:55
Oh em gee, I may bring out the LS1 240 for this.
2015-04-10 02:27:25
If anyone is looking for me hit me up on Facebook (Joe Schintzius) or email @ hpynole@gmail.com
2015-06-18 23:14:50
The event has gone public so they sponsors thunk it's now about a 3 week window until it sells out. So far I know of myself, @BenFenner, @Fatboyse-r, and @nissansr20nx that have signed up
2015-06-19 08:06:54
I want to but i cannot make it a large ordeal to drive 12 hours one way for work and i. Old man is in agreement with I despite his loyalties and affinity for that track. I am sadly unable to be present.
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