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Thread: WTB: GA16 Manual Tranny

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2008-05-15 01:21:27
WTB: GA16 Manual Tranny
Anyone local have a GA16 tranny without 5th gear pop out laying around?It's not for me, its for a co-worker.
2008-05-15 14:41:05
what year? my friend has one from a 93 sentra
2008-05-15 21:07:47
Originally Posted by xsk8er123
what year? my friend has one from a 93 sentra

B13 Sentra...I think its a 91.
2008-05-16 02:13:38
well ill see how much he wants for it,
2008-05-17 15:12:30
yo im in miami. hit me up.
2008-05-27 03:53:01
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2008-05-27 04:07:28
ban this guy
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