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Thread: The MidTN SR20 Meet of Summer 08 - Nashville, TN

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2008-06-03 16:16:16
Awesome pictures!
2008-06-04 02:13:26
Well was a good weekend. NX found a new home down south in Alabamay. And had that car PACKED full of stuff. an NX will hold 4 wheels and tires. A tupperware tote full of parts. then 2 more boxes of stuff. all in the back. But...shes finally gone, last sr20 ill own i think.

but man great meet good to see everyone.
2008-06-04 02:57:06
So it's already gone? So just for the record, you cleaned the car and it sold immediately? I'm not the kind of guy to say I told you so, but...

I spent some quality time with a volt meter yesterday and narrowed my window problem down to the window motor itself. A trip to the pull-a-part, $17, and I'm back in action.
2008-06-04 03:59:54
I swear...someone always trying to steal the thunder. The car finally found a motivated buyer...thats all.

You are just mad your car is still out to get you.
2008-06-04 12:28:12
Thats great/sad news to hear..I wish I could have bought it.
2008-06-04 13:23:25
Not like it wasnt at your house once a quarter begging you to buy it. even with a discount from all hell considering it was you it would have been even cheaper. but someone had to go get married and have a kid like 3 years ago....gosh.

now dave and i were talking about the fact patrick should buy that nismo suspension. so it can be like wasted energy since we removed them from the car....and he would put them back on . oh we are too funny.
2008-06-04 13:42:15
So who bought it? Were they at the meet?
2008-06-04 15:37:57
Yea, Patrick, the other bigger guy in the red shirt.

guy on the left, end o the bench. his first sr20. wanted it for better gas milage from his full size chevy. and think he likes the zippyness of it now too
2008-06-04 15:40:39
Cool a newbie.
2008-06-04 17:51:12
Damn, my littel sis is going to cry. She wanted that car, but she had no money.
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