What if I just want to come over to your house????
Actually the Altima could use an oil change soon. Just whenever you are going to do an oil change or anything on your cars if its kinda soon Ill come over
Louis looking forward to another meet I just picked up another car. I will post some pics up Tuesday or Wednesday. BTW your car looks great in pictures.
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2007 Tundra limited- tow unit
2000 4Runner 4x4
1992 Sentra SE-R
1991 Sentra SE-R track car
Yea i saw your 'interest' thread. booo you know you want a nice NX
Im thinkint its going to be sometime after the first of the year. This weekend meh too close. Following too close to christmas...weekend after that maybe.
If you want someone to run ya up or ride up with ya to Knoxville I dont have too many plans. And we can like go have lunch with Dave
meet u at Laprads on Wed. I think thats when I'll grab the Motor if thats cool. Everyone I'll see you there.
LOL J/K bout everyone coming over but if your up to it I wouldn't mind coming by to pull some cams out of a motor and see the VE You know Ive never been in a VE. Hmmm
Oh and if we plan on march that really mean's May right?