Even before building the cat enclosure mentioned above, I began work on a new retaining wall for the front of the yard.
There used to be some small garden planks held by rebar, but the planks have all rotted out. The rebar is exposed, and my wife was worried someone would get hurt on them. So instead of pulling them up or cutting them down, I decided to re-use them to anchor a new, short retaining wall similar to our neighbor's wall.
This was an insane idea, as are most of my ideas, because of how complicated it would be and how long it would take.
Instead of building the wall like a normal person where each treated 6" × 6" post could be placed, and then anchored as the final step by drilling through them and driving in some rebar... I would have to painstakingly measure and drill each hole to match perfectly with the rebar that was already there. This easily tripled the time for construction.
I tackled the shorter section first, which took about 6 weeks. I then took a 4-month break to build phase 1 of the cat enclosure (mentioned above). I eventually got back to working on the retaining wall, and another ~8 weeks worth of work had the longer side finished.
Even before building the cat enclosure mentioned above, I began work on a new retaining wall for the front of the yard.
There used to be some small garden planks held by rebar, but the planks have all rotted out. The rebar is exposed, and my wife was worried someone would get hurt on them. So instead of pulling them up or cutting them down, I decided to re-use them to anchor a new, short retaining wall similar to our neighbor's wall.
This was an insane idea, as are most of my ideas, because of how complicated it would be and how long it would take.
Instead of building the wall like a normal person where each treated 6" × 6" post could be placed, and then anchored as the final step by drilling through them and driving in some rebar... I would have to painstakingly measure and drill each hole to match perfectly with the rebar that was already there. This easily tripled the time for construction.
I tackled the shorter section first, which took about 6 weeks. I then took a 4-month break to build phase 1 of the cat enclosure (mentioned above). I eventually got back to working on the retaining wall, and another ~8 weeks worth of work had the longer side finished.
Last edited by BenFenner
on 2021-05-21
at 12-38-50.