The only thing I'm worried about is detonation. I've pulled all the timing I can. If I pull any more timing the combustion event doesn't even happen anymore. Yet, still I feel like I'm getting detonation. On your 8.5:1 engine you ran 25.3 degrees of timing at 160 kPa without an ounce of trouble. I was stupidly running similar timing on the old 9.5:1 engine and ran into detonation. Now I'm running 19.0 degrees of timing there and I swear I'm still detonating. When I bring it down to 18 or 17 degrees I get retarded misfire.
This is anywhere from 11.5:1 to 12.0:1 air/fuel ratio.
What am I supposed to do? This is 11 psi. There's no reason this can't be reliable without crazy tricks.
well your the know it all, im sure you can figure it out ;p.