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Thread: What's everyone up to?

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2010-01-03 04:26:13
What's everyone up to?
What are you fellow southeastern mofos up to this year?

I personally am doing an internship down in AL for a few months while taking online classes.

Then I'll have money saved to go to the convention. FINALLY! *poke/cough*Joe*poke/cough*
2010-01-03 05:29:32
I haven't done much at all. Mostly been playing with my 7 month old daughter. My car is in pieces right now lol.
2010-01-03 23:59:21
Nobody else is doing anything? Geez the southeast is dead.
2010-01-04 02:59:54
Wishing I had my snow tires down here. Summer tires in snow FTL.

So much for moving south 11 hours. I guess you guys get this crap here too.
2010-01-04 05:24:03
Originally Posted by blairellis
Wishing I had my snow tires down here. Summer tires in snow FTL.

So much for moving south 11 hours. I guess you guys get this crap here too.

Yeah, but you are higher than the rest of TN!
You get more.
2010-01-04 14:09:51
Freezing and wishing I could work on my car. Living in an apartment with no garage = FTL!
2010-01-04 15:29:09
waiting for my motor to get here on the 6th. and then it shall be honda bashing time
2010-01-04 15:42:32
Originally Posted by SR20s
waiting for my motor to get here on the 6th. and then it shall be honda bashing time

did u get a VE? ive been beating up on hondas quite a bit lately...
2010-01-04 16:26:29
Originally Posted by Nismo_34
What are you fellow southeastern mofos up to this year?

I personally am doing an internship down in AL for a few months while taking online classes.

Then I'll have money saved to go to the convention. FINALLY! *poke/cough*Joe*poke/cough*

They say we might get some snow at the end of the week.

Where are you going to be working in Alabama?
2010-01-04 16:31:50
I'll be working at the Mini Dealership in Birmingham. It won't be until the end of the month though.
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