Seeing how I am on the other coast, and in the wrong country, I won't be there, but I can tell you I have been organizing a series for my racing association (for the off-season), and it has been a blast!
We ran a one-hour enduro format (although due to the fact that we booked five events, we got more like 1+15 to 1+20 track time per session), 13 Karts on track and teams of up to four drivers. With the teams, we forced three driver changes, which either consisted of seating a new driver, or for teams with two or three, the driver had the option to jump out of the Kart, plant both feet on the concrete, and then jump back in and go!
A couple of tips that I found useful:
Bring your own helmet! Think accumulated sweat of a hundred brows mingling with yours; at the very least, a bellaclava.
Eye protection is a great idea. You don't want all that rubber, brake dust and concrete bits being flung into your eyes at a high rate of knots.
Gloves for a better grip on the wheel.
Stay hydrated! These places tend to be dry, and ripping around in the Kart will windburn you and dry you out.
Lastly, just go have fun!