Originally Posted by
D-Unit121 I would just use a generic output to trigger the second shot. You can tune the fuel and ign maps for nitrous just like you would for a single shot.
For the two step issue, I would simply only have the nitrous engage when the vss reading is greater then 10mph or so.
The thing is if I activate the second shot with a generic output.I will not be able to pull back timing and add fuel when it activates.
AS for the 2 step.I would like the nitrous to disactivate on step for the reason being that speed sensor is causing the nitrous to activate and disactive in first gear and some of second.When I look at the logs it shows the engine reving to 9400 rpm in first gear then it revs to about to 7000 in second gear wich is about 57 mph and that's when it activates the nitrous.When its suppost to activate the nitrous after 10 mph.When I look at the logs its shows that the speed sensor does not read until 57 mph causing the nitrous not to activate until it reads.And I would like the car to launch with alittle nitrous.And the only way Im going to be able to do that if it disactivates on 2 step and activates by rpm.Thats for the first stage.For the second stage since the speed sensor reads after 57 mph I"ll activate the second stage at 57 mph or at a higher mph when the car dosnt spin.I've tried new speed sensor cable,different cluster and ecu.And Im still having the same issue.The weird thing that when normal driving the it reads just fine.It only does it when launching.