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Thread: Buyer/Seller Ratings

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2007-12-20 02:15:26
Buyer/Seller Ratings
wondering if we are going to have a rating as far as buying and selling **** goes similar to the other forum, not a post but in the avitar area

thanks Jimi
2008-02-24 15:28:44
ditto here, any update on this?
2008-02-24 16:23:41
iTrader should be setup... let me know how it goes.
2008-02-24 16:56:21

Love it!
2008-02-25 01:36:36
Crim, can we post a message uptop every forum politly asking people to fill in the iTrader items that have taken place since this forum started? It shouldn't be much but will help people get something better then 0's
2008-02-25 03:30:17
Everyone that bought a calendar should have one then?
2008-02-25 21:51:53
Thanks for getting this up and running. I've made a purchase already from a member and would like to leave them feedback when the item comes.
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