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Thread: Spam???

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2008-07-25 01:03:26
Whats with all the spam??? I'm seeing it pop up left and right in peoples threads. Any fix for this?
2008-07-25 01:56:21
We try to prevent it but they still find ways to sneak in. I think Crim is working on something.
2008-07-25 05:19:24
Changed out the captcha, and added a tool to make it easier for the mods to cleanup spam users. Not sure what else to do...
2008-07-25 06:04:49
Bump it up! I could agree yellow! gold gold gold!!!
2008-07-25 12:33:13
Originally Posted by Crim
Changed out the captcha, and added a tool to make it easier for the mods to cleanup spam users. Not sure what else to do...


There is something that can be done...

Create a New Members 24 hour section. This way spammers would be posting in the New Members section, and not real threads. Then they can be reported and banned before they continue posting else where...
2008-07-25 12:48:28
^^ Someone give the man a beer!!

2008-07-25 16:14:58
I think its good fried....
2008-07-25 20:10:52
Spam and eggs, spam burgers, YUMMY!
2008-07-25 20:18:29
Ban that fool for spamming and egging us!
2008-07-25 20:28:54
Originally Posted by Sentrixx
^^ Someone give the man a beer!!


^This BUDS for U!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey hey easy tiger! I know you see the bud sitting in the background.
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