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Thread: Major Forum Changes Ahead

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2025-02-26 15:00:55
Update (Reorganized Classifieds Sections)

This is not a forum software update, but an update to how the forum is organized. Back on 2015-09-28 @Vadim made a thread in the Moderator's Lounge about wanting to reorganize a lot of the forum sections/sub-sections and the active staff at the time agreed. The first place to be tackled was the Classifieds sections, and a good plan was fleshed out. Well, for one reason or another it just never happened. Luckily that thread was cataloged in the Issue Tracker thread (another staff-only thread) and while it was forgotten, ultimately it never actually fell through the cracks.

I came across this whole thing when converting active issues from that Issue Tracker thread over to the new ToDo list. I decided to fast-track this work because (as a bonus) any improvement in this area would greatly reduce the loading time for the home page (which is currently far-and-away our slowest page load). I'd been considering manually caching that page for performance improvements, or something else similar. But reorganizing/consolidating things is a much better solution. I expect to continue this work as I have time.

Here is the post where things settled out:
Originally Posted by BenFenner

New Section Name | Old Sections that will be incorporated into the new section

User Feedback | User Feedback
Automobiles | Cars
Automotive Parts | Cosmetic Modifications, Driveline, Forced Induction, In Car Entertainment, Naturally Aspirated, OEM Parts, Suspension and Brakes, Tuning, Wheels and Tires, 240/RWD Parts
Non-Automotive Items | Miscellaneous
Free | Free
Group Buys | Group Buys
Vendors | Vendors
Wanted | Wanted

There was certainly good talk about merging sections, not just reorganizing. There was also talk about removing the "Free" section (retaining and moving the existing threads of course) and just letting people post in the other sections with a price of "$0 (Free)". There was talk of other improvements as well. Certainly things could be better. But for now, I just went with what was already discussed and easy to implement. So if you've followed along, the "Cars" section got renamed to "Automobiles", the "Miscellaneous" section was renamed to "Non-Automotive Items", and all sections where car parts were sold have been placed under a new "umbrella" section called "Automotive Parts".


Last edited by BenFenner on 2025-02-26 at 19-51-59.
2025-02-26 15:16:11
Update (Tech Section accidentally allowed threads)

Speaking of "umbrella" sections... The Tech Section was supposed to be one of those, but there was one single thread attached to it (which was hidden from view unless a user navigated to that section in a very rare way). I've moved that thread to General SR20 and now disallowed threads in the Tech Section (of course threads can be created in the sub-sections therein). That ties up another loose end. Onward and upward.
Last edited by BenFenner on 2025-02-26 at 19-54-13.
2025-02-26 22:52:21
good work man
2025-02-27 10:03:20
Update (Version 1.7.15)

I was helping a member with their signature this morning. When forum staff edit another person's signature, the user gets a PM about it with the contents of the old signature, the contents of the new signature, and a mandatory "reason" for the change. Well that "reason" field was not carrying over to the refreshed form if the signature was previewed. There was also a minor issue with validating the length of the "reason". I've fixed both issues.
2025-03-01 08:09:16
Update (Version 1.7.16)

I noticed some member profile pages would never finish loading according to the browser. They did finish, but the browser kept presenting a loading status forever.
I determined it was an issue with the member's avatar. If the avatar was missing, a image that doesn't exist would be served, and never finish loading. So, I've fixed that.
While working on this I found some potentially useful performance evaluation links which I've posted to the ToDo list for future reference. There are plenty of other useful resources scattered throughout this huge thread that I hope to consolidate there as I find them.
2025-03-01 19:45:42
Tl;DR: All my health issues mentioned in this thread over the years have been stress related and I'm on top of that and feeling great.

I've been reading this thread through (as I do sometimes to remind myself how far we've come, and pick up on anything I've forgotten to do) and realized I never gave a final health update.

As you may recall:

January 2018:
Originally Posted by BenFenner
I have since developed a viral infection (best the doctor can tell) that's been lingering for going on 7 weeks now

February 2018:
Originally Posted by BenFenner
I'm still sick as a dog. The place I've been going has to be the least competent diagnostic medical center in the entire state. They have gotten this wrong every step of the way, and they are likely making it worse. They are thankfully going to refer me out to a ear/nose/throat specialist so I can get some real help. It's been 3 months now, and I am beyond tired of it.

March 2018:
Originally Posted by BenFenner
I'm still suffering, and the ENT specialist is not giving me many answers either. They are convinced this is 24/7 acid reflux, which I'm slowly thinking it might be, but only because I took antibiotics for so long... Anyway, I think I have a plan to get over this, and that at least is making me feel a little better.

Originally Posted by BenFenner
while the last 3 months have been trying, I'm hoping that a change in attitude, time, and these probiotics will have me sorted out eventually. It's to the point that even if I'm not going to get much better, life needs to move on. With that in mind, I'm just bearing with it now and getting back to work on everything, including the forum when I can.

Originally Posted by BenFenner
I can't say I'm feeling much better, I'm just taking it day by day right now and getting done what I can, when I can.

April 2018:
Originally Posted by BenFenner
A health update...

I went for my 6-week check-in with the ENT specialist. Both doctor's said the same thing: "You're not better yet? You were supposed to be better by now."

You're telling me!

When I beat this I'll give some details, but for now I'm still in the trenches. Do me a favor and appreciate your day tomorrow if you're healthy.

November 2018:
Originally Posted by BenFenner
My throat is still on fire, but I'm managing it with over-the-counter sodium alginate and hoping to de-stress soon which I think will help. I'm 95% sure it is pepsin reflux, I just need to order the test to be sure.
I've also developed something very similar to sciatica, and my left leg is in pain most of the time now too. That's been going on for ~6 months now and I'm working on that too. I feel a bit like I am falling apart, and I do think the high level of stress for the past couple years has to be a major cause.

Originally Posted by BenFenner
I went on a strict elimination diet which just happened to be along the lines of what you're talking about. I eat and drink quite well (healthily) already though, and the diet had minimal impact after ~8 months.
I've bounced from one doctor to the next, and I'm having to teach them about the ailment instead of the other way around. =/

I've got a few major things I'm trying to finish up soon, so I'm hoping that will lift the load and calm me down some. We'll see.
I appreciate your concern. It's been a long time in pain without much support (not that I've asked for any...).

December 2018:
Originally Posted by BenFenner
It's been exactly one year since this pesin reflux started, and there's no end in sight. I'm still waiting to take a definitive test for it, but that should happen soon. I'm hoping/thinking this is all stress related.
I've developed sciatica, which has been going on for maybe 6 months. And my right hand is suffering what feels like nerve damage, which may or may not be related to everything else.

Again, possibly all stress, we'll see. I've not been able to work on the forum really at all for a while. Other things are taking priority. I do plan to get back to it soon, but I have to finish building an elaborate outdoor enclosure for our cat's safety/sanity. Then trim down to a 2-car household, then finish a retaining wall I half finished before the cat enclosure took priority. Once all of that is complete I should feel much less stressed, and be able to get back to working on the forum, among other things.

March 2019:
Originally Posted by BenFenner
I'm still sick, but maybe finally slowly getting better. It's probably all stress related.

So that was a burning throat which began November 2017 (can you guess what was going on around that time? ) and then ~6 months later joined by sciatica-like symptoms in my left leg, followed eventually by nerve-damage-like symptoms in my right hand. All told it was a little over a year and a half of suffering.
I've actually been down this road before. Back in 2010 I developed odd symptoms that no specialist could pin down and went on for ~4 years until I finally realized it was all stress related which culminated in me moving roles at work, earning more money, and getting mostly stress-free. That cleared up my health issue completely back then.
So you can probably guess where this is going. It turns out all my newer health issues were also caused by stress, and I am decent at reducing that once I know that is my problem. Once again I ended up switching roles (this time at a new job), working from home, making more money, gaining free health care, and dropping all sorts of stress (which also meant taking a good break from working on the forum). Coincidentally our first child was born at this time as well, and it really helped to feel good again at that time.
Since then I've had some stressful times but I work on that and don't let it get to the point where it affects my body like it can.

So that's me putting a bow on the health topic in this thread. I am fully recovered and feeling good. Cheers.
Last edited by BenFenner on 2025-03-02 at 07-33-16.
2025-03-03 11:37:36
Update (Version 1.7.17)

I've been giving some attention to the "back to top" links in the footer lately and it had me testing them out. It's a bit nuts, but they were never actually working properly. They always redirected to the home page! Well, I've fixed them, and then removed one of them since they were redundant. Instead of removing the obvious one (because it would mean we could remove an entire section of the footer) I removed the other one all the way on the right. This is so we can still have a substantial and identical looking footer, but more importantly this makes the footer narrower which plays better with mobile devices. The footer fits nicely on my tablet now, for example.

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