My throat is still on fire, but I'm managing it with over-the-counter sodium alginate and hoping to de-stress soon which I think will help. I'm 95% sure it is pepsin reflux, I just need to order the test to be sure.
I've also developed something very similar to sciatica, and my left leg is in pain most of the time now too. That's been going on for ~6 months now and I'm working on that too. I feel a bit like I am falling apart, and I do think the high level of stress for the past couple years has to be a major cause.

Thanks for the concern. I wish I had better news to report on this front.
On this note, I have heard also of just a change of diet working WONDERS for a myriad of different ailments. I am not sure what your diet is, but if it doesnt currently consist of a pretty exclusive selection of whole and natural foods, coupled with fresh from the farm meats, you could potentially improve a lot with just trying that. I have lost 30lbs in the past few months and more importantly all the aches pains and even my chronic reflux has vanished. Its amazing what it did for me, and I havent taken one OTC or prescription medication to date. Just go back to what your great grandparents would have gotten from the farm. Stick with that.