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Thread: Major Forum Changes Ahead

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2018-11-06 16:58:28
Originally Posted by BenFenner
My throat is still on fire, but I'm managing it with over-the-counter sodium alginate and hoping to de-stress soon which I think will help. I'm 95% sure it is pepsin reflux, I just need to order the test to be sure.
I've also developed something very similar to sciatica, and my left leg is in pain most of the time now too. That's been going on for ~6 months now and I'm working on that too. I feel a bit like I am falling apart, and I do think the high level of stress for the past couple years has to be a major cause.
Thanks for the concern. I wish I had better news to report on this front.

On this note, I have heard also of just a change of diet working WONDERS for a myriad of different ailments. I am not sure what your diet is, but if it doesnt currently consist of a pretty exclusive selection of whole and natural foods, coupled with fresh from the farm meats, you could potentially improve a lot with just trying that. I have lost 30lbs in the past few months and more importantly all the aches pains and even my chronic reflux has vanished. Its amazing what it did for me, and I havent taken one OTC or prescription medication to date. Just go back to what your great grandparents would have gotten from the farm. Stick with that.
2018-11-06 17:47:38
Yah, I went on a strict elimination diet which just happened to be along the lines of what you're talking about. I eat and drink quite well (healthily) already though, and the diet had minimal impact after ~8 months.
I've bounced from one doctor to the next, and I'm having to teach them about the ailment instead of the other way around. =/

I've got a few major things I'm trying to finish up soon, so I'm hoping that will lift the load and calm me down some. We'll see.
I appreciate your concern. It's been a long time in pain without much support (not that I've asked for any...).
2018-12-01 19:48:35
Have you considered intermittent fasting (IF) diets? Some recent studies are starting to show that intermittent fasting can force the body to start flushing out old malfunctioning cells that refuse to die on their own (cancer). Basically, when you're body is hungry it tells those aging cells to be destroyed and re-purposed to build new cells.

I've personally have been IF dieting for about a year (no food from about 9pm to 12pm), along with caloric restriction I've lost 30lbs without hitting the gym, but overall health is getting much better. I heavily reduced processed food intake and cook at home 99% of the time now, cutting out processed food made me loose my first 10lbs without caloric restriction even. I eat a ton of meat (beef, chicken, and pork), ton of veggies, good amount of fruit, and much less bread. This year I've had the lightest seasonal allergies, I've taken 10 or less anti-hestimine pills all year, where as usually it would be a pill a day all spring.

P.S. I'm still really missing the email alerts on topic replies, even a rudimentary alert as soon as a reply is posted would be welcome (similar to PM's), otherwise I forget to check up on threads and FS threads :-/.
Last edited by Vadim on 2018-12-01 at 19-52-02.
2018-12-01 23:02:01
It's been exactly one year since this pesin reflux started, and there's no end in sight. I'm still waiting to take a definitive test for it, but that should happen soon. I'm hoping/thinking this is all stress related.
I've developed sciatica, which has been going on for maybe 6 months. And my right hand is suffering what feels like nerve damage, which may or may not be related to everything else.

Again, possibly all stress, we'll see. I've not been able to work on the forum really at all for a while. Other things are taking priority. I do plan to get back to it soon, but I have to finish building an elaborate outdoor enclosure for our cat's safety/sanity. Then trim down to a 2-car household, then finish a retaining wall I half finished before the cat enclosure took priority. Once all of that is complete I should feel much less stressed, and be able to get back to working on the forum, among other things.
Last edited by BenFenner on 2018-12-01 at 23-03-50.
2019-02-04 18:08:00
For my own notes:

Home of The Webalizer

No More Google
2019-03-03 20:54:25
I'm still sick, but maybe finally slowly getting better. It's probably all stress related.

However, I'm tired of people saying they can't search the forum. Of course you can. However, I'm going to try to make it easier on everyone.
Instead of implementing search in two stages as I planned, I'm going to implement it in three.

Stage 1) Make searching the forum easier on people by allowing people to search from the forum itself, instead of having to go to a typical search engine like DuckDuckGo. This should not take much time to implement, so I plan to do this in the next few days.

Stage 2) Implement a classic SQL-based search engine for the forum with features similar to what we had in the past, and similar to what most other forums have. The caveat is that it will take a lot of work to implement, and it probably will be pretty slow to perform searches. This will get completed when I get better and/or have the motivation.

Stage 3) Implement a search similar to Stage 2, but Elasticsearch-based instead of SQL-based for extremely performant/fast searches. This will get completed when I get better and/or have the motivation. It is possible I may skip Stage 2 and go straight to this solution.
Last edited by BenFenner on 2020-06-20 at 14-19-42.
2019-03-09 19:41:56

It's been ~5 months since the last update. I had to take some time away to build an outdoor enclosure to stop the neighbor's dog from repeatedly sending one of my cats to the vet for expensive reconstructive surgeries.

The last feature I added was to allow people to view a member's entire post history. This was actually the last bit of ground work needed for the search feature. Obviously, search is the absolute highest priority right now. With that in mind, I actually snuck in a quick search feature today. Obviously we still need a fully complete, advanced search like everyone is used to, but while I work on that I figured I could get us a quick win.
As mentioned in the previous post, there will be 3 stages to the search feature, and Stage 1 of search is complete!

It might be worth adding the same thing to threads, so let me know if you'd like to see this for individual threads. Right now you can only search the entire forum at once (all public threads). I encourage you to try it out, and let me know what you think.

Last edited by BenFenner on 2019-03-10 at 09-40-53.
2019-03-09 20:20:59
YAY Search! Wohoo!
2019-03-12 19:36:59

I fixed a nagging issue for the mods/admins. Turns out if a thread ended in one or more deleted (hidden) posts, those posts were not visible to the forum staff. I've fixed that tonight while I had a free moment.

There were also 8 long-open issues in the Moderator's Lounge and 3 long-open issues in public threads that I have been able to close, since the new forum software fixed them all.
Last edited by BenFenner on 2019-03-12 at 20-16-26.
2019-04-01 15:19:36
Maaan I would still love to be able to get a subscription going to threads (for email notifications on new posts). I really don't have the time anymore to browse forums :-/ (life/kids/home renovations sucks all the time up, so getting an email alert would remind me to reply to stuff!) :-).
Last edited by Vadim on 2019-04-01 at 15-21-31.
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