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Thread: Major Forum Changes Ahead

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Posts: 141-150 of 346
2018-03-05 06:51:28
Ben, thanks for all you've done. You've had quite the job of recovering and restoring the website. Hope you get better man.
2018-03-19 18:38:21

I fixed a small bug that was mistranslating forum URLs that have hyphens in them. Now all of the past links to the forum that linked to threads/posts in the "General NON-SR20 Discussion" section and similar sections (any section with a hyphen in the name could have been affected) should work again.
2018-03-25 17:01:47

I did a little bit of work on the BBC stuff and now lists work well, code blocks work well, and quotes are sort of getting there. See examples of them here:

  • This is a list item
  • This is another list item

This is some code in a code block. Sometimes people use it to line things up properly, or to do ASCII art, or other things. If the text is too long, scroll bars will appear at the bottom. See? ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
This is another line of code.

div.post_body pre {
height: auto;
width: auto;
overflow: auto;

This BBC should be ignored:

This is an unattributed quote.

Originally Posted by WhoSaidIt
This is an attributed quote.

Originally Posted by WhoSaidIt
This is our most typical type of quote, with an attribution and link to the quoted post. This is not working 100% just yet.
Last edited by BenFenner on 2018-07-07 at 08-50-52.
2018-03-26 16:06:44
Nice update. Glad you are feeling better.
2018-03-27 18:02:12
I can't say I'm feeling much better, I'm just taking it day by day right now and getting done what I can, when I can.
2018-03-27 22:52:56
Better than pushing up daisies!
2018-03-30 13:21:51
Where is the like button, so I can like the code and quote feature!

Thanks again for your work!
2018-04-08 23:39:58
Originally Posted by Vadim
Where is the like button, so I can like the code and quote feature!

Thanks again for your work!

Hater - leave Ben alone....

Great work Ben, this is a massive effort and your work is greatly appreciated. I hope you make a full recovery quickly!
2018-04-09 21:49:49
A health update...

I went for my 6-week check-in with the ENT specialist. Both doctor's said the same thing: "You're not better yet? You were supposed to be better by now."

You're telling me!

When I beat this I'll give some details, but for now I'm still in the trenches. Do me a favor and appreciate your day tomorrow if you're healthy.
2018-04-13 20:16:15
You should really take your Drs advise and get better Ben. Enough is enough, quit screwing around.

Sorry this is all lingering - I know that sometimes the unknown about what is going on can almost be as bad as the illness itself. I hope you find the answers soon, along with a speedy recovery.
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