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Thread: Major Forum Changes Ahead

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2018-02-19 11:44:07

I'm still sick as a dog. The place I've been going has to be the least competent diagnostic medical center in the entire state. They have gotten this wrong every step of the way, and they are likely making it worse. They are thankfully going to refer me out to a ear/nose/throat specialist so I can get some real help. It's been 3 months now, and I am beyond tired of it.

Thread subscriptions are obviously on the list of things to implement. More important things are coming first, like fully converting over to the classic URL, and password reset/recovery.
Last edited by BenFenner on 2018-03-01 at 07-28-50.
2018-02-28 09:45:49
Oh man that doesn't sound good at all, get well brother!
2018-02-28 16:04:38
Hope you get well BenFenner!
2018-03-03 08:58:44

I'm still suffering, and the ENT specialist is not giving me many answers either. They are convinced this is 24/7 acid reflux, which I'm slowly thinking it might be, but only because I took antibiotics for so long... Anyway, I think I have a plan to get over this, and that at least is making me feel a little better.

As for the forum, I am planning to do some work on it this weekend. One thing that's needed updating for a while now is the main domain on record. Right now the temporary domain is our main domain, and our classic URL redirects to it. Now that we have control over the www.sr20-forum.com domain and it is no longer blacklisted by Google, and the dust has settled a bit, it is time to switch back to using it as the main domain on record.

Changing things completely over to our classic URL will solve 3 main issues:
1) Logging into the forum will be smoother for users who unknowingly try to log in mid-way through a redirect (the redirect will no longer happen).
2) The thousands and thousands of links across the site and in posts that link back to the forum should work properly instead of redirecting to the home page. Think about all the links in the Manifesto for example, those will all start working again.
3) The site can be submitted to search engines for indexing, which will allow much better searching of the site using DuckDuckGo, Altavista/Yahoo, Bing, HotBot, WebCrawler, Lycos, and other similar search engines. This will be especially useful while we wait for the real forum search feature to be implemented.

It's possible that switching things around this weekend will cause some temporary routing headaches with the forum. That should resolve itself as I work on things over the weekend.
Last edited by BenFenner on 2018-03-03 at 09-02-14.
2018-03-03 09:10:31
Per your guidance on Facebook, Ben, I followed the link provided and have read this whole thread in entirety. YOU ARE THE MAN!!! Period. While thumbing through I wanted to “like” a post but was not able to, and then I read further to read it’s on the “to do” list. My main concern was our most important and invaluable tool here, the SEARCH feature. However, I read that is on the top 3 list of PITA must do list. I’ve been keeping quiet tabs on Facebook and marginally visiting the forum; life with a new job, new house, and recently married has kept me bogged down...I’m sure we all can relate to LIFE :-)

On a flip note I see your health is in jeaopardy. Much prayers going out to you! Take care of yourself and keep kicking ass, which seems to just come naturally for you. Rock on brotha!!! :-) Thank you for all your hard work and dedication. My outlook is that if you can help just 1 person than your efforts are well worth it. You my friend have helped many...and from what I’m reading we all appreciate it :-)

(Klark Kent)
2018-03-03 14:13:03
Hey Klark, thanks for putting in the time to read through this thread. I know it's a long one, and I was really only expecting you to read the last bits of it to get up to date...
I appreciate your support and while the last 3 months have been trying, I'm hoping that a change in attitude, time, and these probiotics will have me sorted out eventually.

It's to the point that even if I'm not going to get much better, life needs to move on. With that in mind, I'm just bearing with it now and getting back to work on everything, including the forum when I can.
2018-03-03 14:15:43

The swap to the classic URL (as mentioned 3 posts above) happened this morning, and it went better than I expected.

This means I can submit the forum to be indexed by search engines, almost all old links to the forum will start working again (for example, the links in The Manifesto), and now logging in won't be so problematic if you come from the wrong URL.

If you find an old link to a thread or post or similar that doesn't seem to work, let me know!

If you're on the forum now, especially in chat, it's recommended that you log out and visit https://www.sr20-forum.com to log in again. If you have the "remember me" option chosen, you'll want to re-apply that at log-in.

All cookies have been reset, so your login won't be remembered useless you tell it to again.
Last edited by BenFenner on 2018-03-03 at 14-24-48.
2018-03-03 23:12:54
Just wanted to say Thank You. I'm sure everybody appreciates all the work you've done. I've missed having our forum.
2018-03-03 23:21:13
You're welcome.
2018-03-04 13:15:39

I wasn't planning on working more on the forum this weekend, but I got in the mood to work on chat a bit.

1) It's not perfect, but name colors in chat should generally be correct if people are actively chatting. Admins will be red, mods will be orange, supporters will be green, etc.
2) Names in the list to the right now link to a user's profile.
3) The background pattern changed to a solid color to avoid the 1990s look the chat had going on.
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