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Thread: Major Forum Changes Ahead

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2020-11-17 17:10:34
Okay I understand now. My users still complain it is hard for them to reply on a forum on their phones (sounds a bit like I am aware my pc does it better but I won't reach for it, which I honestly think is the real reason) and as you know I am stuck with open source forum. Not that I have the time or can program fast enough (I can program but I am slow as) to build something. This is comming release for my forum SmfSimple Smf 2.1 demo - Index and that still ain't good enough and then still the DCIM and the facebook can excuse. But it is a responsive design. That is kind of the looks and not the engine though.
Last edited by richardwbb on 2020-11-17 at 17-12-50.
2020-11-28 13:33:21
Looks like PHP 8.0 has been released. The forum will have to update at some point. Here are two great resources for that, which I may need in the near future:
What's new in PHP 8

The update should not be nearly as difficult or painful as the one from 5 to 7, so I expect it to be less of a big deal. (PHP 6 never really materialized. Look it up if you're curious.)
As far as I know, after the dust settled, the only issue we're left with from the update from 5 to 7 was that the chat feature (which I did not write, and is a bit difficult to debug) occasionally will not show your own message as posted to the room. Your message does post, but you can't see it without a page refresh. This is just one of those known issues that might stick around for a long while. Other things are much more important.
Last edited by BenFenner on 2020-11-29 at 19-02-31.
2020-11-29 16:48:47
Originally Posted by BenFenner
Looks like PHP 8.0 has been released. The forum will have to update at some point. Here are two great resources for that, which I may need in the near future:
What's new in PHP 8 - Blog - Blog - Blog - Blog - Blog - stitcher.io

The update should not be nearly as difficult or painful as the one from 5 to 7, so I expect it to be less of a big deal. (PHP 6 never really materialized. Look it up if you're curious.)
As far as I know, after the dust settled, the only issue we're left with from the update from 5 to 7 was that the chat feature (which I did not write, and is a bit difficult to debug) occasionally will not show your own message as posted to the room. Your message does post, but you can't see it without a page refresh. This is just one of those known issues that might stick around for a long while. Other things are much more important.

I have not enouhg spare time to have a serious look to you sticher and guthub links. I also failed to find with chance and after looking for a chat, some 'yellable box' and since it is a lot easier for me to drop something then ask for, wait for, make sure I can D0, how about irc /join > chatbox and some joining fixing the ones and dorments forum names? Drawback can be some
2020-11-29 19:08:05
Originally Posted by richardwbb
I have not enouhg spare time to have a serious look to you sticher and guthub links.
Don't bother. They are reminders to myself. No one else needs to read them.

Originally Posted by richardwbb
I also failed to find with chance and after looking for a chat
The chat feature has been around for a LONG time. It's linked at the top of every page, in the header. Search any page for "chat" and you should find it. It's to the right of "The Dash Gallery". Do you see it up there near the top of each page?

Originally Posted by richardwbb
some 'yellable box' and since it is a lot easier for me to drop something then ask for, wait for, make sure I can D0, how about irc /join > chatbox and some joining fixing the ones and dorments forum names? Drawback can be some
I'm sorry. I have no idea what you're talking about here. Let me know if still can't find the chat page. Or if it's not working for you.
2020-11-30 15:36:19
I suggested to do it in another way because I firmly believe some chatter from any forum won't hurt on a IRC that is kind of unsecured. And I know it can be done not that hard but here I give it to you 100 percent. For the chat function please take my word for this, I am ICT guy (former) now mechanic at dealer for tyres but yeah missed it. Social noob on internet (fb knobs wtf, no kidding, am lost @ can tell). ICT and awareness how many if's on programming, yeah some C++ structure there too but stuck at PHP and know Z80, 8 bit, pop, push and in the end it are all computers. No high hopes for Tesla autonomous or Quantum either
Last edited by richardwbb on 2020-11-30 at 15-37-59.
2020-12-03 16:05:35
misposted a pm
Last edited by richardwbb on 2020-12-03 at 16-20-53.
2020-12-10 22:38:55
Update (Version 1.5.3)

@richardwbb sent me a PM to let me know about a VIDEO tag style that was not working. Thanks Richard!
(In the future, you're welcome to post issues like that here in this thread so everyone can keep track of them.)

Recall I had 5 styles of VIDEO tags working initially in post #179
Well now we have a 6th style that works.

Luckily this was an extremely easy fix I managed to do on a week of little sleep, since our first child was born a few days ago!

Style 6) [VIDEO]https://youtu.be/FNh4z19-rF0[/VIDEO]

Last edited by BenFenner on 2020-12-10 at 22-55-34.
2020-12-11 07:46:58
Welp, video unavailable even the direct link. But I don't care. Ben very congratulations and many cheers and luck and everything

@topic, did you use a regular expression one liner?
2020-12-11 13:05:00
Sorry, that one must be a location-specific video. YouTube is so awful...
Here is an example that shouldn't be region-locked:

Style 6) [VIDEO]https://youtu.be/Kp4ppwZ3mwQ[/VIDEO]

No, I didn't use regex. Things are predictable enough to not have to, and while I am very comfortable with regex, I prefer to avoid them most times if possible.
If you're really curious about the (PHP) code used, here it is. It's not elegant, and I will DRY it up later. I haven't slept in days.
You're mostly interested in lines 18-21.
In this context, "$content" is the string of characters inside the VIDEO tags.

Last edited by BenFenner on 2020-12-11 at 13-38-45.
2020-12-12 12:28:31
Wow that is nicely written. I still think a one line regular expression would do it in my own programming way, (5 youtubies going 6) but I want to learn to program in a similar way. Rust and C like php is a good start. Not sure how to say else but that would be me I really have a hard time going from assembler to C, even not sure what I missed besides I read more then once php is a good start. For javascript I actually decided to not want to and yes that is an issue writing and administrating my website and forum (open source)
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