Stratton was perma-banned over three years ago for causing a lot of "trouble", and ultimately insulting a moderator. He did not seem to want to be a part of this community any longer, and Cliff banned him for life.
Even at the time, it was pretty clear to me he was working a "suicide by cop" angle whether he knew it or not.
About two years after the ban took place, and as I grew into my administrator role, I realized that Stratton had "done his time" and then some. A year ban was probably the most appropriate reaction, and after two years I started to feel the ban could no longer be justified. If Stratton wanted to participate in the forum, I felt the time had come to let him back in last year. However, I wasn't sure if he wanted back, and I was too lazy to ask.
Very recently it has become clear that Stratton does want to participate in the forum, as he took the effort to create a new user and post here. This showed how dragging my feet was no longer acceptable, and I have lifted the ban. Under my reading and enforcement of the forum rules, the forum staff does not ban members for insulting the forum staff. If that were the case, I'd have dozens of members perma-banned in my wake. Keeping Stratton banned for an infraction we no longer enforce, and after he'd been banned for so long, seemed absolutely unjust.
I have unconditionally welcomed Stratton back to the forum. It seemed the only just thing to do.
I realize the timing of this seems suspicious. I accept full blame for that. I should have lifted his ban over a year ago.
Even at the time, it was pretty clear to me he was working a "suicide by cop" angle whether he knew it or not.
About two years after the ban took place, and as I grew into my administrator role, I realized that Stratton had "done his time" and then some. A year ban was probably the most appropriate reaction, and after two years I started to feel the ban could no longer be justified. If Stratton wanted to participate in the forum, I felt the time had come to let him back in last year. However, I wasn't sure if he wanted back, and I was too lazy to ask.
Very recently it has become clear that Stratton does want to participate in the forum, as he took the effort to create a new user and post here. This showed how dragging my feet was no longer acceptable, and I have lifted the ban. Under my reading and enforcement of the forum rules, the forum staff does not ban members for insulting the forum staff. If that were the case, I'd have dozens of members perma-banned in my wake. Keeping Stratton banned for an infraction we no longer enforce, and after he'd been banned for so long, seemed absolutely unjust.
I have unconditionally welcomed Stratton back to the forum. It seemed the only just thing to do.
I realize the timing of this seems suspicious. I accept full blame for that. I should have lifted his ban over a year ago.
Last edited by BenFenner
on 2015-09-29
at 03-11-21.