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Thread: Select forum members aren't getting forum e-mails.

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2014-11-04 23:57:22
Same here, hotmail
2014-11-05 00:21:48
Originally Posted by Scrildo
Im not getting them either.
What e-mail provider do you use? Hotmail?
2014-11-05 02:44:45
2014-11-07 03:27:46
no email to my hotmail
2014-11-07 16:03:36
This is my top priority. It is just slow going, I'm sorry.
I will get to the bottom of it.
2014-11-07 18:32:44
email server not using TLS?
2014-11-07 20:15:12
I have no clue. There is only one person with access to that stuff, and right now that isn't me.
2014-11-08 02:22:18
@BenFenner, come join me in Bizarro world. Just for shits and giggles anyway.

I got two thread subscription notifications today!! Came right to my cell phone like so many times in the past. They were for the following two threads...

1) http://www.sr20-forum.com/general-sr20/73478-help.html#post977785

^ The time stamp on the email notification for this thread was for May 4th, 2014 @ 6:20pm. The closest resemblance to a post that I can find in the actual thread, was made (according to the forum time stamp) on May 11th, 2014 @ 3:31pm.

According to the forum, the post reads like so...

Alright fellas...today is a GREAT day! First off, I want to say Happy Mother's Day too all the loving and caring moms out there! Without them, we all wouldn't be here to do what we do best, build our SR20's! Anyway, aside from that, its also a great day because my car is finally running right! After all he troubleshooting, I finally said heck with it and bought another MAF. Yup, the first MAF I bought was the issue. Bad. Installed the new one, and after the PCM learned the new MAF it ran like a champ! Now its time to run the B14 for a few weeks before installing the turbo.

According to the forum notification that was sent to my phone, the post reads this way...

---Quote (Originally by Sentraga)---
---Quote (Originally by 96NismoB14)---
Thanks fellas. I appreciate all the advice and help so far. I just got back from the garage and decided to start the car again to see if anything has changed overnight. Of course, starts right back up and feels solid. 5 mins later, the car idles down again and dies. So I re-checked the wiring and re-wired one more time just to make sure there is a good/solid connection for all used wires. Started it up and runs solid for approx. 3 mins, then idles down and dies.
---End Quote---
Intake tube isn't the problem.
Replace your MAF. Simple as that.

My car was doing the same thing, if it was cold the car ran great once it warmed up a bit it'd start doing what yours does.
All i had was a bad maf.

Check how the maf is performing....
(for wiring references- http://www.sr20-forum.com/howto-s/9138-nissan-maf-wiring-dummies.html)
---End Quote---
I appreciate the examples. I recently checked my voltage from the MAF wiring to the ECU and my 12V reads 12V, but my 5V wire is only reading .4V on my volt meter. I'm going to test it directly from the ECU and see if I can pin point if the ECU is reading correct voltage or not, I will then replace the Z32 MAF. Does anyone know what the ground is suppose to be reading when its a good solid ground?

2) http://www.sr20-forum.com/members-rides/19536-ny5speed-s-p10-no-longer-dd-11.html#post977034

^ The title that Randy has for his thread is different than the title that the notification showed, but it is the same thread. Also, the post that I was notified for was from May 4th, 2014 @ 5:40pm, according to the email notification time stamp. The thing is, the post, according to the forum thread time stamp was made on May 8th, 2014 @ 2:23am. Also, his post is unedited but reads like this....

No real updates since I am still out of the state but it looks like Randy Sr. might want to come along for the convention this year. I'll just be doing some quick track prep and dyno retune on the VE if that is the case and then we'll get back to the regularly scheduled VQ shenanigans after the car is back from Ohio.

However, the notification I received shows that the post reads like so...

No real updates since I have been out of the state for months but it looks like the old man may want to come out and play for the convention this year. If that's the case I'll be doing a quick re-tune on the VE in order to have the car ready for June and then getting vq things back under way for Ohio. I'll probably be ordering up a set of gForce Rivals for the old girll too.

Real updates to come in a few weeks

That's way too much editing to do before the 1 minute limit that shows edited posts, I would think. Did anyone catch that the post notification was for before the post was made?

Also, I just logged into my Hotmail account from home and.....there are no new emails from the forum for the two subscription notifications that I received on my cell phone today. Does your head hurt yet? :>

Welp, my job here is done. Hopefully my post has been as for fun for you to read as it was for me to type. If anybody needs me, I'll be hanging out in the other end of Bizzarro world with Jerry, George, Elaine and Kramer...
2014-11-08 02:38:37
Originally Posted by B15NEOVVL
If anybody needs me, I'll be hanging out in the other end of Bizzarro world with Jerry, George, Elaine and Kramer...

2014-11-08 20:52:32
Keep with any updates, it's possible the e-mail fairy is doing work behind the scenes.
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