anyone want to sell something....
* have an accurate description, maybe a pic, be real with it. your gunna get questions, and opinions, and shit nice.
* make sure its for sale (not that hard really, if you dont really want to sell it, call it an EOI, it will give you time to back out/change your mind)
*have a price (dont suddenly make it $300 dearer)
*have it wrapped up, ready to go, before you get paid (very very very hard bit...apparently)
* send it...the very next day you get paid (impossible?)
*show i pic of it in a box with the buyers name and address on it, a con note/tracking number (very helpful)
* finally relax and enjoy your profit and positive feedback.
is it really that hard? EDIT..yeh i guess it must be...
Last edited by sss4me
on 2014-04-28
at 15-38-57.