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Thread: New Year New Changes - Open to Public Discussion

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2014-01-03 14:32:00
New Year New Changes - Open to Public Discussion
Changing this thread from just Tech section Changes to overall changes, this thread is open to discussions, so please voice your opinions.

Tech Section Changes:
I plan on doing some changes to the Tech section, mainly HowTo's and Information Library, I'm going to work on better integrating the two. Most likely we will get a few more subsections that will encompass all of the threads that didn't fit in before thus were put in the Information library. I am also planning on adding some new Tech sub sections to promote technical discussions.

This is an open discussion change, so please feel free to speak your mind.

Current plan
1. Rename HowTo's to be Information Library. It would now house How To's and just useful to have information, ie MAF/INJ WHP output, part number threads.
2. Use existing Subsections from HowTo's, and add new ones as needed
3. Move current information posts to the new Information Library along with How To's, and sort them in proper sub-sections
4. Rename current Information Library to Tech Discussions. Threads in this section will usually start as questions, ie Explain how spark plugs work to me in detail, and forum members can chime in with their knowledge of the topics. Discussion provoking threads that are not questions will be in this section too.
Last edited by Vadim on 2014-01-04 at 18-14-24.
2014-01-04 08:05:56
Transmission section Please
2014-01-04 15:23:36
Please do not lose shit like what happened last time......
2014-01-04 17:50:30
Originally Posted by Kyle
Please do not lose shit like what happened last time......

Like what? I don't remember us actually loosing threads...
2014-01-04 18:06:47
Originally Posted by LAM-PARK
Transmission section Please

Driveline Discussion Forum
Driveline Tech Section (For How To's and Information)
Last edited by Vadim on 2014-01-05 at 20-44-03.
2014-01-04 18:20:37
Threads were not lost forever, just the plethora of "stickies" for threads in sections that are popular means a stuck thread was inevitably lost "in the mix" unless found and reported. Remember when BenFenner went nuts and unstuck a bunch of threads?

That type of stuff, losing valuable information is the point I am trying to make.

All these forums all have a lot of good info and sifting through 99% crap makes it hard on everyone.
2014-01-04 18:36:19
Ah gotcha, that's a little different then what I am proposing in the tech section, but I will definitely keep that in mind once I get my hands dirty.
2014-01-04 18:44:17
I applaud the effort to streamline the Tech Section, with more sub-sections and such. More order there would be a great benefit to the few members that actually wander in there!

On a side note, I have asked/suggested in the past that the FAQ/Manifesto be more prominent on the cover page of the forum. Although, maybe I did not go throught the proper channels or maybe the idea was poo-pooed and I was not made aware? Basically, I think the FAQ/Manifesto is a tremendous resource and I would like it to be more visible on the cover page. Yes, I understand it is stickied in each forum section but let's be honest, after a while, members get used to the stickied threads and they tend to blend into the background. It would be nice to see a direct link to the FAQ/Manifesto in a highly visible area. I suggest just above or below the the shoutbox. It could also be put back into the shoutbox (at the bottom) as a link, like it was before.

My other suggestion is that ALL new members are forced to click on and view the FAQ/Manifesto BEFORE they can post on the forum; Even before they can introduce themselves in the New Members area. On some other forums, this is done, where basically you have to view a number of key threads before you can advance further into the forum. I do not want to make it difficult for new members to get around but knowing where the manifesto is, and how to use it should be one of the primary considerations for a new member. Maybe the FAQ/Manifesto could also be integrated into the new member sign-up sheet as well?

Also, on a side note, can an administrator/moderator (at some point in the future) start combining silly threads so they take up less space on the forum? I believe BenFennah started to do this at some point in time....I just hate to see 300 different threads of "What oil sould i use in my......?" There is no reason why some threads can't be combined. At some points in time, updated information may need to have its own thread but most of the time, this is not the case. Bumping old threads and combining new threads into old threads will help to streamline the forum a bit more, as well as make it easier to search.

P.S. I understand (somewhat) the amount of time and work this will take!

2014-01-04 19:01:50
bring back the most read stickies! By bring back I mean re-stick them.
2014-01-05 18:36:28
Originally Posted by Vadim
Originally Posted by LAM-PARK
Transmission section Please

General Transmission Discussion Forum
Transmission Tech Section (For How To's and Information)


Another side thought - have the trans sections include flywheel, clutch & C/V's ?

Just a thought.
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