Changing this thread from just Tech section Changes to overall changes, this thread is open to discussions, so please voice your opinions.
Tech Section Changes:
I plan on doing some changes to the Tech section, mainly HowTo's and Information Library, I'm going to work on better integrating the two. Most likely we will get a few more subsections that will encompass all of the threads that didn't fit in before thus were put in the Information library. I am also planning on adding some new Tech sub sections to promote technical discussions.
This is an open discussion change, so please feel free to speak your mind.
Current plan
1. Rename HowTo's to be Information Library. It would now house How To's and just useful to have information, ie MAF/INJ WHP output, part number threads.
2. Use existing Subsections from HowTo's, and add new ones as needed
3. Move current information posts to the new Information Library along with How To's, and sort them in proper sub-sections
4. Rename current Information Library to Tech Discussions. Threads in this section will usually start as questions, ie Explain how spark plugs work to me in detail, and forum members can chime in with their knowledge of the topics. Discussion provoking threads that are not questions will be in this section too.
Tech Section Changes:
I plan on doing some changes to the Tech section, mainly HowTo's and Information Library, I'm going to work on better integrating the two. Most likely we will get a few more subsections that will encompass all of the threads that didn't fit in before thus were put in the Information library. I am also planning on adding some new Tech sub sections to promote technical discussions.
This is an open discussion change, so please feel free to speak your mind.
Current plan
1. Rename HowTo's to be Information Library. It would now house How To's and just useful to have information, ie MAF/INJ WHP output, part number threads.
2. Use existing Subsections from HowTo's, and add new ones as needed
3. Move current information posts to the new Information Library along with How To's, and sort them in proper sub-sections
4. Rename current Information Library to Tech Discussions. Threads in this section will usually start as questions, ie Explain how spark plugs work to me in detail, and forum members can chime in with their knowledge of the topics. Discussion provoking threads that are not questions will be in this section too.
Last edited by Vadim
on 2014-01-04
at 18-14-24.