Originally Posted by
SE-Rawkus I'll go ahead and post what I previously said and add a little bit more...
I'm not sure this dislike feature will be conducive to a positive forum environment. I think it will do more harm than good. The impulse to advertise the fact that you dislike something is a negative and aggressive one. If I feel strongly about an item, either positively or negatively, I can leave a comment. With the dislike feature, it is too easy to give someone negative marks in a completely nonconstructive way, and may cause animosity amongst the community. Additionally, by adding a dislike feature, people could down vote everything a user does because they simply do not like the person aka cyber bullies. I think there is a major reason why FB hasn't implemented the dislike feature. But that is just me...
I prefer this...for many of the above-mentioned reasons. Not having a dislike button is not an infringement upon one's forum freedoms. If you feel the need to disagree with someone's post, you can do so in a constructive reply. I can see a dislike button being abused in many different ways. I just don't feel that it is in any way shape or form conducive to a positive environment. It is "drive-by" feature as far as I'm concerned. If a member has strong views on one particular hot-topic, he/she could potentially receive a flood of dislikes and then it would appear that the member is generally disliked. This could be incredibly misleading. Some may suggest that this is a form of censorship but it is not. There are other ways of showing disapproval with something somebody has said.
Originally Posted by
mirrortints I like this idea. BUT...is there a way to turn it off on OT and sections like that? I mean, just because someone has different views on the world, no need in 100s of dislikes.
If the vote ends up in favour of having a dislike button, this may be a way of modulating
some of the hazards, especially in the moshpit! There is currently a particular thread in that section that is quite volatile and I can see one or two specific members receiving endless dislikes because of a vast difference in cultural/societal views. Again, this gives the impression that this member is heavily disliked.
You may say that not having a dislike button is a form of censorship but I say that we should think about the outcome of such a "freedom".
- You WILL deter members form discussing their view points on many topics, for fear of being "disliked".
- You MIGHT deter members from sharing experiences with their cars for fear of being disliked for having made mistakes with engine builds etc.
- You WILL deter newbs from posting up for the very same reasoning I just mentioned.
Now, what is wrong with disliking a newb's post if it is....STOOPID? At face value, it doesn't seem like such a big deal. However, when you dig deeper you might see the negative ramifications of having such a "permanent" forum feature. The idea of a forum is to share and dislikng member's posts is counter-productive to that. Flaming a newb (in a post) for not searching is one thing but disliking that same newb is a permanent stain that he will wear as a badge for his entire
Dashian career!
Be careful what you wish for!!