The like modification hasn't been integrated with tapatalk. I'm talking with them to see if they can do something about it. I'd really like to see it in use. As for deleting posts, what do you mean "delete post"? You shouldn't be able to delete posts anyway...

i think this was in the old forum IIRC, but can you add the drop down/up button in the PMs. Like how the inbox is divided into sections like "Older" "2 Weeks Ago"....etc, can you add that tab on the side so you can minimize (pull up) each section. Makes things cleaner and easier to keep track of. So i can keep all current PMs like today's open (dropped down) and minimize (pull up) "Older" section.
You're talking about the collapsable box? I'll look into it.
Yeah collapsible sections =] I like being able to collapse the older PMs that i'm saving
This feature is a known regression from VB3 apparently, and has been for some time. Login Required - vBulletin JIRA
I'm uploading the old software to a test server and I'm going to hammer it out myself.