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Thread: Filtered as social networking

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2012-12-04 23:56:12
Filtered as social networking
Figured I'd ask this since it's been bothering me. At work we have certain web sites blocked, I can access most other forums including the old sr20forum but this one I'd blocked. It states, This websense category is filtered: Social Networking. Any chance there can be something done to unmark this as social networking, or would that be asking to much?
2012-12-05 00:05:11
A lot of it has to do with the content filtering hardware/software your business uses.

I work behind Government firewalls, yet I'm still able to access this site and Facebook, etc.

I'll look into it though.
2012-12-05 00:14:20
I've submitted a request for re-categorization to websense. That doesn't mean they'll actually do anything, though.
2012-12-05 00:15:14
Yeah most other forums work, but it blocks this one out the same as it does Facebook. I figured maybe there was something in the coding that helped finding it in searches that labeled it as a social networking site. My business uses websense. It blocks sites labeled as gaming and streaming as well. Always wished I could access it like I can the older one, figured I'd ask and see
2012-12-05 01:16:01
I know the IP this site uses is shared amongst several other sites, but I wonder if there's a way you can directly link to the content over the IP.

Other than that, there are other ways to get around the filter, but depending on the policies of your workplace might get you in trouble :/

2012-12-05 01:17:23
Filtering is done on your side...not much we can do about that.

Have you tried our alternate addresses?

SR20 Community Forum - The Dash - Powered by vBulletin and SR20 Community Forum - The Dash - Powered by vBulletin

( stupid link rewriter -- sr20-forum.net and sr20-forum.org )

If those don't work I can setup a different domain for you.
2012-12-05 01:27:39
.net does the same thing, .org shows the website but it does the same thing as the others when I try logging in or click on a thread.
Last edited by speedricer on 2012-12-05 at 01-29-53.
2012-12-05 17:21:26
Could it be shoutbox(the chat box)? I wonder if you get blocked from other sites that use it.
2012-12-05 17:25:35
Originally Posted by gomba
Could it be shoutbox(the chat box)? I wonder if you get blocked from other sites that use it.

Nope. The shoutbox is nothing more than javascript. Most content filtering hardware blocks websites based on their category or keywords in the meta.
2012-12-05 17:27:13
Yeah Meta is what I was thinking when I posted this thread. Thought maybe someone have "social networking" or the like in the tags they could just remove. Nothings ever that simple though lol. Hopefully we can get this figured out with little effort. I dont expect anyone to move mountains for just me, but i'd love to be able to surf the site at work =]
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