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Yeah, but that's obviously at average. Peak usage normally in the morning and then it spikes again in the evening hours. There's constant usage since we have an international userbase as well. I wouldn't fathom a DSL connection could handle the traffic, honestly. Maybe a synchronous cable connection would handle it...
I'd be curious if that is for the entire server or just our site. If it's the entire server than our ratio of that is probably a whole lot less.
Seems like 12 or so websites also are served out on the server:
Have to remember the site basically just serves text. It doesn't host much data-heavy traffic like images or videos.
Most web sites see traffic spikes around lunch(between 11am-3pm) as people seem to do most of their web surfing from work around lunch time or at least in the afternoon. I've yet to figure out why traffic always spikes during that time, but that's my best guess. (I work for a very large content provider).