@gomba and
@B15NEOVVL and others, here are my thoughts on the matter.
The name - I agree the name is confusing and could use some work. If I were to do it over again, I would name the thread "SR20-Forum Manifesto (FAQ, Write-ups, How-tos, DIY and Important Info)"
The organization - Yes, it's a bit cumbersome to deal with all at once but there are a few things to make it easier without trying to make a table of contents or links to sections and multiple posts and whatnot which would get unruly and may be impossible. One of the things to make it easier are to put commonly used terms next to each subsection. Another detail is that yes, you do have to search (
Ctrl + F on most browsers) the Manifesto. That is "right". It sucks, but that's just how it is when it gets large. Again, having commonly used terms alongside the normal subsection titles helps a lot. Just like a dictionary, you have to learn how to use this resource, and while it is helpful, it doesn't do everything for you.
I've learned that a quick blurb about how to use the Manifesto is also helpful as the first thing people read.
this other Manifesto for an example of a better name, better organization, and that blurb I talked about.
Lost stickies - This is not acceptable and not what I'd intended with the Manifesto. The Manifesto was supposed to house many of the stickies. If there was a sticky that got removed, it sure as shit should have been put into the Manifesto before that happened, and from what I could tell when I was working on the Manifesto that was the case. No sticky got removed that hadn't already been put into the Manifesto.
Now, it's possible some stickies fell through the cracks, or were moved to the How To section much later on, or whatever, but please simply post a link to these important threads (when you find them) to the Manifesto and I'm sure
@Shawn B will add it right away. You shouldn't have to go anywhere for tech info other than the Manifesto.