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Thread: Close our own FS ads

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2012-06-24 17:27:42
the little warning rectangle button?
Last edited by unijabnx2000 on 2012-06-24 at 17-28-02.
2012-06-24 17:28:37
Originally Posted by Cliff
Oh there's a way but if I enable it there will be massive outcry and rebellion.
Yah, you can lock down edits for them, but that's a horrible solution.

There is no easy way to allow edits, but disallow complete removal.

Unless we make it a rule, and just enforce it manually. That also goes over like a fart in church.
2012-06-24 17:29:34
i have to wait 60 seconds b/t reporting each of them lol
2012-06-24 17:30:27
That 60 seconds was supposed to have been shorted to something like 12 seconds. I thought it got changed a long time ago...
Last edited by BenFenner on 2012-06-24 at 17-30-43.
2012-06-24 17:31:54
if not ill be here reporting for about the next half hour...
2012-06-24 17:40:57
LMAO you guys are killing me...

i think two of you are viewing the reported posts, and right after one of you closes it, the other one opens it.
2012-06-24 17:47:05
I'll just close all them in one shot. Then take a look and tell me if you want any re-opened.

2012-06-24 17:49:58
Ok - Do a search on for all threads started by you in the Classified sections, and tell me if any need to be re-opened now.

2012-06-24 17:54:39
the newest ones are still open, so thats all of them. thanks
Last edited by unijabnx2000 on 2012-06-24 at 19-20-16.
2012-06-24 19:17:22
i remember being able to close our own f/s threads, i think it is a good idea...i have plenty of threads that i have put in the title and had asked to be closed still open...i think it would be helpfull, and i dont think it would cause an issue
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