I was ready to take a screen shot for you, but the text has since been rendered obsolete by the new classifieds form and thus removed. So I have to go by memory...
When the classifieds were overhauled, and the template was put in place, there was text shown above the thread creation part with text similar to this.
Please fill out the template completely. All fields in the template are required. *DO NOT* modify the template in any way or your post will be unceremoniously deleted by the moderation staff and you may receive a vacation.
I remember the text very well, because I always had an issue with the wording of it. I thought it was one of the reasons so many people had italics in their sale threads or other silly things (because they were too scared to modify even one single character of the pre-filled template).
Regardless, it had been there since day 1 of the classifieds overhaul and stayed there for all to see every time they created an For Sale thread up until just last week when the new form went into place making the text not entirely necessary.
Yes, it was an additional set of rules not expressly explained in all places. Thank you Keo for drawing that to a head.