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Thread: The dash going to go to VB4?

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2010-01-12 19:46:36
The dash going to go to VB4?
Was just curious if you guys were thinking of going to VB4 or not?
2010-01-12 19:51:05
Any real advantages of it?
2010-01-13 00:55:32
not likely unless someone can convince me. It would require re-doing our forums theme along with some other custom things I've put into place.
2010-01-13 16:35:43
Originally Posted by Vadim
Any real advantages of it?

I believe it has an integrated image gallery, chat function, blogs for every user and a few other things.
2010-01-14 10:09:20
dude seriousy dont! its effing terrible.. this datsun forum im on switched to it an people freaked out lol.. they switched to something else now tho thats actually alot better once you get used to it.. way better then vb4!

this is what we're using over there Invision Power - Community Forum, Blog, Gallery, CMS, and more - We're community experts

and if you wanna get a good idea of what it looks like take a look here Ratsun Forums

mods if your going to upgrade (which its a good idea) consider this..

alltho im perfectly fine with this, its like ol' faithful..
2010-01-14 13:49:58
I personally wouldn't mind trying out Invision Power, but if its $150, I would rather pay extra and just get good ol' VB3, though they did jack up the prices to $190ish...
2010-01-14 20:55:11
ya man i love vb3, but ya this invision is really starting to stick to me... its cool they turn private messages into little "conversations" so your pm's are similar to threads lol then theres some other features that are really cool too..
2010-01-14 23:28:41
Originally Posted by lynchfourtwenty
ya man i love vb3, but ya this invision is really starting to stick to me... its cool they turn private messages into little "conversations" so your pm's are similar to threads lol then theres some other features that are really cool too..

Oh nice I love that! UBI game forums do that too, but the rest of the forum sucks big time.
2010-01-15 04:13:12
the invision isnt too bad... i mean.. go try some VB4.. hahaha
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