I think we need some clarity on what falls into "politics". A couple of recent posts have been reported by Ben as potentially political that I don't view as much political as societal. Not to hate on Ben, I think he is doing the right thing reporting posts on all sides of the political spectrum that he thinks might violate the rules, which is why the rule needs to be a bit clearer. The two posts, videotaping of cops and cow abuse, are still open, so maybe they don't violate the rules. I think that any off-topic thread can spiral down into political fighting if a few members go that far, but most threads don't. And if they do, the mods have been good about closing them or editing out posts. Personally, I'm glad that Ali and Amave contributed those posts to the forum and I'd hate to think that a poorly defined rule might have prevented them from posting those threads in the first place. I think it is good that we have a no politics rule and it should stand with regards to clear political topics (especially when it comes to political party discussions). However, for topics that speak about events that occur within our society but outside of politics, I think they should be posted. If they end up too racy, they can always be closed. Personally, I don't even open most threads that have a title that might enrage me. But I would much rather read something I don't like (too political) than have members not post threads because it might have some remote political element to it.