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Thread: How To Request section?

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2009-03-25 13:09:05
How To Request section?
I was wondering if we could get a section for people to post requests for how to do something? If someone is planning a job in the near future but there isn't a current write up, he could post up in there and see if someone else can write up how to do it in the normal How To section.
2009-10-07 05:02:52
I would like to request a "How To" for checking/cleaning the egr valve and how to check ECU codes on a B13. Maybe someone who knows how will do a write-up for it? What section should I post this in?
2009-10-07 11:35:21
www.se-r.net has all that.
2009-10-07 11:47:04
Isn't this what the general SR20 or tech sections are for? If you have a question about something that hasn't been posted before (search first!) you post up and ask away?
2009-10-07 13:41:13
People have asked how to remove the engine from the car in the past, and there was no write-up, so I did one for him.

Same with 5th gear pop-out.

Ask (in the regular sections) and ye shall receive.
2009-10-08 21:49:26
Originally Posted by BenFenner
www.se-r.net has all that.

I found the info on the ECU codes there, but the EGR cleaning page eludes me and the search function there isn't working. Thanks for the heads up.

Originally Posted by BenFenner
People have asked how to remove the engine from the car in the past, and there was no write-up, so I did one for him.

Same with 5th gear pop-out.

Ask (in the regular sections) and ye shall receive.

Will do...
2009-10-08 23:04:48
Originally Posted by Isfahan
the EGR cleaning page eludes me
Here yah go.

Problems and Fixes: EGR causing hesitation
2009-10-10 07:17:07
We should definatley have a "Ask Ben" section not only do I think it's a great idea ,I think it would be pretty fun.
2009-10-10 15:20:29
That's just ridiculous.
2009-10-10 15:51:19
I also vote for an ask Ben section. In fact i want a direct phone line to ben for every problem i have
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