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Thread: Private VIP Lounge for Forum Supporters?

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2009-01-25 19:11:14
Our Off Topic is private to only members. If you wanna talk about say girl issues, job issues, or other issues you can right there. It works great... As long as the person that your rant/talk is concerning is not part our forums
2009-01-26 06:34:28
Originally Posted by Andreas
No Private Forums

We should not live in little closed boxes of favorites and specialty areas for each other. The previous forum had a section called Lame Free. Yep they voted me in and afterwards they voted my black A$$ out. It was a area for the people who thought they were too good for the rest and would constantly make fun of them in their little hole like some elitist fraternity, instead of really trying to help out. Helping out is what the forum is all about.

I want to know who likes me, I want to know who hates me.

If someone has something to say bad or good man up or shut up.

This is America, free speach

I agree. Thier was alot of bs talking on the private members only section on the other forum. (not talking about the contributor’s section) and its nice to know thier is not one on this forum.
2009-01-26 06:50:58
Originally Posted by Moto

By the way, is that girl over 18, listed in the links?

Please tell me you have checked that the woman in those pictures is over 18 years old. I am very surprised you would not allow us the right, to be assured the links are clean and of a legal aged person, via a sticky.

If your talking about that girl we had to click a lot of links to see more pics, she's all over the internet, but of course we can't confirm her age.

And to tell you about the video, it's just a link to the Rick Rolled youtube video (sorry to spoil it for the guys that didn't get to the video link of the site)
2009-03-04 00:06:22
Strange, the arguments were not where I was concerned...
Originally Posted by robj80
G20.net has a sponsors section and it seems to work out great.

This is what I meant to imply. Did not realize it was abused elsewhere.

Originally Posted by robj80
We don't use it to bash anyone or any of the other things suggested in here.

This is where we could use a solution, in order to reduce conflicts, (as each admin sees fit), not restrict free-speech, Dre.

I understand why you feel so strongly about hidden agendas, after explaining your view, but you still have the controls to erase any post, right? Thanks for the enlightenment.

It does not come easily to me, that folks would confuse or misuse privacy, as "exclusivity". Now I understand how a small group of folks, mis-handled the "member's only" area, and why we do not have one.

Originally Posted by robj80
We have a classifieds section to sell things for forum supporters. We usually list it in the regular section too after a few days or so. Just give first dibs to those that support the forum. There is also a section where sponsors discuss things like member of the month and we nominate people. Then there is the how too section. I I believe the how too's are still available via search for non supporters but it's all nice and neat if you did sponser up. Finally we get a nice discussion section. This seems to be the most popular thing.

So if properly moderated, the member's only section, can be a useful RESPECTFUL MEASURE, for co-operating sellers, who do not always want to offer their wares, to folks who do not support the forum... However; since the last gang abused this private zone, one's connotation is that such an area would be "bad".

I suppose after predatory parts manufacturers/suppliers, tried to feed off noobs, as vultures, it became "big business", to exclude "those who could be thrown out", in order to run a fixed-game.

So transparency is key, over membership. I get your point.

Thank you for your interesting and meaningful discussion.

The Poker game concept, was just for fun. The only unreasonable "gambling", I have personally been afraid of in the past three years, is buying parts from some of the "less than desirable sellers", who seem to be here just to cause trouble and "sell" conflicting information, troll in order to sell bogus parts, (and sometimes start conflicts); yet pay no membership fees.

I keep seeing non-members "ruling threads", when a conflicting opinion is proposed, by character assassination, of known PAYING members.

OK I understand the time-in, you guys have and the problems you must have had to deal with, long before I became involved. Understood.

One did not understand: "profitability is not an issue".

I was merely attempting to suggest a method, by which to drive-demand and profitability, for Crim; while preserving/increasing "MEMBERS Rights", to first dibs on parts, from known paying forum supporters; TO KNOWN FORUM SUPPORTERS.

I cannot see how a non-supporter, especially one who starts trouble on threads regularly, has the right, to "grab select parts", over a paying member, who would have EARNED, at least some right, to a "first-look", at quality parts, before they are put on the OPEN FORUM MARKET.

If I eluded to a "squabble quarantine area", improperly misdirecting my intentions, it was just as encouragement, that fighting and abusive mannerism, may be prevented from public defamation, without all the dirty laundry from overwhelming the thread starter's right to keep it on topic.

I also understand, how those who are unemployed, except by selling parts here, have zero incentive, or care the least, who comes up with the cash, ASAP, no matter if they pay membership dues, OR NOT.

From a consumer membership-point-of-view, (rather than a vendor's point of view), I see "the rights of paying dues members", as an important feature/incentive, for paying CRIM each year.

However, I am not selling mass-quantity, of large ticket items, as you are Dre, and now I see how one may be excluded from selling, by vicious exclusion, if the wrong people direct the conduct within a "member's only" lounge.

Thanks for answering my question.
2009-03-04 00:22:06
Originally Posted by Moto
I keep seeing non-members "ruling threads", when a conflicting opinion is proposed, by character assassination, of known PAYING members.
So it's okay to rule a thread if you pay membership? It's not okay to rule a thread if you're not a paying member? If you don't pay, you're not a "member"? A member of what? The forum? Okay, sure. The community? Uhh?

Are you aware forum supporters do not have to "show" that they are such?
Do you see the wrench that throws in your theory?

Personally I'd like to see some examples of these threads.
2009-03-04 00:23:11
Originally Posted by Andreas
No Private Forums
Except the moderator's section, don't forget.
2009-03-04 00:39:22
i vote no on that. it happened on old Nf, happen on old sr20 and it all turned into a bitch thread where people think they are more elite than others.

bad seller good sellers let the world know... everyone has a right not go get screwed.

iirc that why we have paying vendors is to have a vendor forum that supports some of the cost of the site and then comes the member support. you support the site donate money great.. if you cant then you cant.. i mean not everyone got spare cash to throw around.

i think this topic has been beaten to death already and i agree with crim.. no private section unless it a moderator section which is to discuss private matters to those that make the site great and mess free.
2009-03-04 04:20:31
I personally really dislike what G20.net did with the Classifieds and How To's section. If you don't want your How To to be public to everyone don't post it.

Another issue is if you have a friend that you want to share that how to with, they can't access it.

I understand where you are coming form on having a private section, it is nice to be able to have posts that no one on the web can see. But for that reason we have the Off Topic. Post your heart out on there and only the members will see it. No need for any other private forums.
2009-03-04 15:05:47
i think this topic has been beaten to death.. i say we should put a sticky and say no private vip lounge or what not etc.
2009-03-04 23:03:41
moto you need a shovel and pale for all the sand in your vagina? you dont have to post anything or do anything you dont want on the forum. Just cause you didnt get those cams and your dealings were exposed your going to cry? Man up and move on with life.
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