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Thread: Private VIP Lounge for Forum Supporters?

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2009-01-25 06:07:13
Private VIP Lounge for Forum Supporters?
I have an issue, with out being able to speak openly, without the entire world reading it. There is no safe place to post, without noob issues.

Will you consider opening a private forum, for those who have paid you, for membership?

May I suggest you charge for in-sider information, such as the banned list and the bad-seller list, in order to drive membership dues?

I would think more members would pay to learn who is less-than honorable and we need a private place to send outrageous threads, that need to be completed, but risk a privacy violation, of another sales system/company; or that which may be excluded to the terms of the original charter.

Issues such as criticizing an Ebayer, who is hiding out, within our forum, and selling crap to those, who do not know him or her. Fights about quality and other problem threads, might be better hidden, as they start, and the members only Lounge would be cool. (I realize you guys have the ultimate say over content).

This can become a storage for hard-words, or bad attitudes, as well as a great place to speak in private about anything we want to allow.

Is it legal to offer Saturday Night Poker, on-line, in the private VIP Zone, using Parts-Points System and/or Turbo-Cash as an informal bank?

Will you ask your lawyer? Maybe a simple game of cards, once a week, round robin, winner gets $$ parts, for a small cash opener.

Can we get value based pricing, for web-derived satellite feeds, as a group-buy?

UFC, Ultimate XL, anything with a VIP buy-in, to sustain the site.

Will you set it up and give it a spin, to see if it takes off?

Sounds cool and it could turn this thing into more of a varied-use fun-spot, instead of a parts war zone.

Since you are already considering communications, inter-active meetings, training sessions and games would be very cool, for paying members ONLY.

We need a modern VIP Lounge dude. This business model can be ramped up.

(Or at least have a private venue to review this crap, so it is legal).

By the way, is that girl over 18, listed in the links?

Please tell me you have checked that the woman in those pictures is over 18 years old. I am very surprised you would not allow us the right, to be assured the links are clean and of a legal aged person, via a sticky.

If my remarks are against your best interests, or would violate any regulations, please feel free to delete them.

Just thought I would ask if you will consider a few new ideas.
2009-01-25 15:13:56
Please don't my response personally, but I think is a ridiculous idea.

1, No member should have to pay to learn who they should or should not deal with on the forum, which company people have had serious issues with, etc.. I believe this information should be public domain. If you have a gripe with a vendor, it should be posted about in the appropriate section, the seller feedback area.

2, A private forum for people to bash other members who are not part of it, is a HORRIBLE idea IMO. I just see it as a way to split the member base. I believe the old forum had a section like this, and while I myself was never part of it I can only speak from those who told me about it. I was told it just a place for a select few to bitch, complain, and make fun of the members who were not part of it.

3, I'm not sure which girl you speak of,

When setting up The Dash as a "Community" forum, my goals were to try my best to treat all members the same, and not play favorites. There is no "business model" for the forum, as I'm not out to make money off of it.
2009-01-25 15:55:05
No Private Forums

We should not live in little closed boxes of favorites and specialty areas for each other. The previous forum had a section called Lame Free. Yep they voted me in and afterwards they voted my black A$$ out. It was a area for the people who thought they were too good for the rest and would constantly make fun of them in their little hole like some elitist fraternity, instead of really trying to help out. Helping out is what the forum is all about.

I want to know who likes me, I want to know who hates me.

If someone has something to say bad or good man up or shut up.

This is America, free speach
2009-01-25 16:09:28
I thought this was some odd, automated spam until I saw the member was a forum supporter. =/
2009-01-25 16:27:13
G20.net has a sponsors section and it seems to work out great. We don't use it to bash anyone or any of the other things suggested in here. We have a classifieds section to sell things for forum supporters. We usually list it in the regular section too after a few days or so. Just give first dibs to those that support the forum. There is also a section where sponsors discuss things like member of the month and we nominate people. Then there is the how too section. I I believe the how too's are still available via search for non supporters but it's all nice and neat if you did sponser up. Finally we get a nice discussion section. This seems to be the most popular thing.
2009-01-25 16:45:40
we get nice disscussion right here with no problem. No need for the xtra frills
2009-01-25 16:59:13
Well the reason for "extra frills" is so people sponsor up and pay money to keep the site going. After all we wouldn't want a site that sells out and needs ads all over the place

But seriously if the site can survive with out the funds then leave all the way it is. I love this site just like this.
2009-01-25 17:09:32
You want to be part of a club discussion, join this one: http://www.sr20-forum.com/offtopic/12289-fight-power.html
2009-01-25 17:11:13
Originally Posted by BenFenner
You want to be part of a club discussion, join this one: http://www.sr20-forum.com/offtopic/12289-fight-power.html

I agree with BenFenner on this one.
2009-01-25 18:29:51
that must be a first andreas..lol

hidden sections tend to cause more bother than they are worth tbh, someone who's not meant to be in there tends to end up with access (mates login) then it all ends up out in the open anyways..lol

I can understand having a forum unavaiable to complete noobs, we have one for the gtir, there are 2 popular gtir sites in the uk anyways. We just wanted somewhere to discuss stuff without answering questions that have been answered at least a million times before, but in all honesty, even on there it gets used to bitch about things which wasn't the point of setting it up.

I dont however see to many really dumb noob type posts on here tbh so would agree theres no need.
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