Originally Posted by
paNX2K&SE-R Here is a prime example of what I'm talking about:
Thats posted in a thread that expressly prohibits this blatent whoring yet he does it anyway. This guy is obviously posting *everywhere* for the sake of running up his count. This is why the post counts should be per thread and NOT per post. It will discourage these types from subjecting the rest of us their useless noise.
on the contrary, i was actually going to post up my pictures of my daily 240 however for some reason my macbook is being a pita as always.
i agree with you panNX2 i think that there should be post count per thread.
anyone who thinks post count determines how ''informative'' you are is a idiot
anyone who thinks post count determines your ability or knowledge in the car scene is also a idiot.
post count is just that, how many post you have, it doesnt hinder or determine anything, just like how long you have been into cars doesnt determine anything either someone could be into cars for 20 years and have 2 years expierence with working on cars, so it doesnt determine ANYTHING.
as far as people saying i am ''post whoring'' again on the contrary, i am on more frequent than others, i post on off topic just as well as other topics, i give advice and try to help out others in the turbo,general, and other topics, i give props to nice cars on the members rides.
at least im not posting about drug use, which i feel is not only againt Terms of service, but is ILLEGAL! so you want to say non useful talking about how and what drugs you do is completely useless also so hop off.
also for anyone who thinks i am JUST trying to get a post count, if that was the case why would i agree with PAN to make the post counts per thread? post counts are so irrellivent, saying i an blatant and non informative? please giving someone props for a nice car, how imformative do you need to be? expressing a opinion or thought, how imnformative do you need to get? you are forgetting that answering any questions are based on your own opinion, how intailed you want to get with it is up to that person, if you really want my opnion i think posts should be invisable, but it wouldnt change the way i post, or how i post or how imformative i am, again that just has to do with the subject at hand and how in detail a answer needs to be....think about it.
i find it really funny that people find the tme to complain about the people with active posting, yet never say anything about the people who come over just ot lurk at the posts and never contribute anything to the community.